engaged at 17=)?

do u think its okay to be engaged at age 17


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  • If your in love :]

  • Um… being engaged entails the beginning of planning your wedding. I would never say “it’s dumb” but I’d say that all of the people on here who are saying to hold off might be on to something and you might want to listen to them. Pretty sure they are all in their 20’s or older and think about it, they were 17 once too. Maybe they are saying “you’re making a mistake” or “you are ruining your life” because they are experiencing or have experienced all the wonderful things that come with being that age and not being married. Most of us are engaged now and ready to get married but we’ve traveled, we’ve gone to college, we’ve dated enough to know for a fact what we want in a life partner and what we can not deal with. We’ve been able to make lasting bonds with friends because we can go out on a weekend without getting a babysitter or fighting with our husbands, we’ve been able to go out and impulse buy an expensive purse because we didn’t have to worry about joint bank accounts or a house payment. These are all things that in 5 years can mean a lot of growing up. I’m not saying “dont get married so you can be irresponsible” I’m just saying that you should experience things from a “single” perspective. That also doesn’t mean you guys need to break up or anything by any means! But there is a lot of stuff you guys should experience together without being married. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with being married that a 17 y/o shouldn’t have to deal with. If you’re meant to be together you will be. It doesn’t matter when you get married so why not wait to make sure? You’re also going to change a lot in the next 5 years. I was engaged at 17 and we broke up after 4 years before we even started planning a wedding. And if you ask me we should have done it sooner. I changed into a totally different person and he stayed the same. It never would have worked that way. I mean how many 15 y/o’s act like 20 y/o’s? They don’t because it’s a totally different stage in life and all different responsibility’s! You’re going to do what you want either which way but just a little perspective to make you think. Also as a woman you have a gut and it tells you things. If you’re gut is telling you something don’t ignore it! You’ll just end up feeling dumb for ignoring your gut feelings later on. All the luck in the world to you on your future and in love.

  • No it’s not okay. I think you miss out alot in life when you get too serious at a young age and 17 is a very young age. You are just finish up high school. Don’t you want to kick back and relax and do what you got to do to enjoy life. My cousin was 16 when she got engaged. She is 17 and miserable now. I feel really bad for her. She doesn’t even remember how to have fun. She works all the time and go to school. I hate to say it but I think she regrets it. She doesn’t look happy anymore.

  • I was 18 when I got engaged and married him when I was 20. A lot of people said it was too young, I had so much ahead of me, blah blah blah. But if you love him, you love him, and there’s no point in denying it. I would just say don’t rush into marriage. Be engaged for a little while and get used to it, then plan the wedding.

  • here is my concept: what’s the element of being engaged for 5 years? i’m no longer saying get married good now yet once you dont plan on a marriage for that long why no longer carry off on getting engaged for possibly 3 extra years after which you have got a year to 2 year engagement. to boot each and every so often human beings take somewhat longer to end college in simple terms think of it over your quite youthful too. desire this facilitates 🙂

  • Depends on the person, at 17 most people aren’t all that mature and have a lot to experience in life, but some 17 year olds may be ready.

    You should consider how long you’ve been in a relationship with this person, do you really love them, would you be alright with spending the rest of your life with them? Also, how long do you plan to be engaged before you get married?

    Personally I would wait until you are at least legally an adult to get engaged but in the end it’s really your choice.

  • Being engaged young may seem like a really cool idea, the freshness of your relationship is at all time high and you feel grown up and are probably caught up in visions of white dresses, lots of gifts and the wedding cake….STOP!

    Really think about this choice. Being in love, and being engaged does not mean you necessarily have to get married. If you have specific moral values, and have promised yourselves to each other then a long engagement , at least until you hit 21, is certainly a better solution. Think about if you have met the goals you have set for your future. Do you both still like partying or clubbing? Is college in your future. Are you young parents or do you even want to be? Can you fully support yourselves. Do you even have valid driver’s license, are you still on your parent’s insurance? These are just a few things to consider.

    In most states you have to have parental permission and a judge’s permission to marry prior to 18. In the end, however, it is your life, your choice. I highly suggest pre-marital counseling, financial planning and life planning classes before saying “I DO” at seventeen.

    Source(s): www.idowedbysheri.com
    wedding officiant

  • Depends on when the wedding is 🙂

    I was engaged at 19 and married at 20. Would do it all over again! Just make sure that you have NO reservations before you say I do…but a lot of ppl will stay engaged for a few years…whatever works for YOU!



  • I’m 17. Graduate in June. Turn 18 in August & get married in November.

    My fiance has a good, steady job & we are both mature people. We have experienced what we want of life apart & are ready to move on together. Life isnt going to be easy but itll be easier together. Its more expensive to live apart nowadays with gas prices so high (we live 3 hours apart & have been together for almost 2 years, I live for the weekends haha) I love him with my whole heart & no one can tell you wether 17 is too young or not, for me, its not. I dont party, I dont go out with friends all the time, etc, etc. What I want out of life is my fiance, a family, and a good relationship with God. I dont believe everyone who marries young gets a divorce, the generation these days gives us a very bad name, I plan on following in the footsteps of my grandparents who got married young & stayed together..I dont believe in divorce. These people dont know you personally, they really cant say boo. =]

  • No. If you are an American, our culture does not (generally) groom one for marriage that early.

    Better to be in service while you learn more about yourself, other people and the world!

    I think if you can wait til 21 — or even 25, then that would be offer better chances for success.

    I mean if you are 17, how old is he? Do you know what it takes to make the kinds of income you see people living in on tv shows?

    Without a degree, your income opportunities are severly limited for LIFE. THink it over.

  • Don’t let all these people tell you that your to young. Your the only one that truely knows. I am not going to tell your to young. I was engaged at 18, married at 19, had my 1st son at 21, 2nd son at 23, and 3rd son at 28. I have beem married 10 years now and have 3 young boys. I am so happy, So I hope I could help you in you case. If you want to talk you can contact me at anytime by email.

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