Food Stamps and Income? Bankruptcy…?

I just found out I am pregnant and in a high risk pregnancy situation. I was told I would never get pregnant, and now that I am I am trying to take it easy so nothing happens after having a bad track record of miscarrying.

I recently (January) left a good management position due to changes in higher ups, which would mean I would be fired in a month anyway. I now work 30 hours a week at a grocery store and make 8/month. This is a huge step down for me and my medical bills and debt are piling up. I owe 15k at the moment, but woring these 30 hours is making me very ill and I feel sick all the time.

My boyfriend of 5 years works a job where he makes 16/mo, but with our mortgage (7), utilities (350), Groceries (125), Gas for the car (1), Phone bills (50) Pregnancy Medical expense (2+) Other Bills (5) and car payment for our one vehicle (4) we can barely keep our head afloat. He emptied his HSA of 15 to pay bills for two months because of how bad it was. We are constantly getting calls from creditors. We shut off our cable and internet, and we keep rooms sealed off.

We are trying our best but nothing is left over to save and we are getting more and more worried about making sure we can feed ourselves and baby. We are trying to apply for food stamps but we are continuously denied due to making too much on paper. We are in desperate need of help. Does anyone have any ideas?

We hate trying to use assistance but until I have been at my job 6 months I will not be able to get any insurance… I am just so scared.


✅ Answers

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  • For sure look into WIC. You might qualify during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Your child might also qualify as an infant, and later as a toddler.


  • In order to qualify for food stamps you must pass both the Gross Monthly Income Test (*unless exempt) and the Net Monthly Income Test. You are reporting a monthly gross income of $2,4. which exceeds the gross monthly income for a household of 2 people ($1,640.). The gross test is just a comparison of the number of household members against the 130% federal poverty guidelines. Your individual shelter/medical costs and other financial obligations are not considered. If you do not pass the gross income test, you are ineligible for food stamps and do not move forward to the net test where deductions are applied.

    *Households that do not include any elderly or disabled household members must meet the gross income eligibility standard, which is 130% of the federal poverty guidelines. [7 C.F.R. §§ 273.9(a), 273.10(e) (2)(i)(B

    Food Assistance Gross and Net Income Limits

    Assistance Group Size 130% Gross Income Limit 1% Net Income Limit

    1 1,211. 931.

    2 1,640. 1,261.

    3 2,069. 1,591.

    My answer will not help you to become eligible for food stamps but at least you now know the reason behind your application denials. As others have said, please make an application for medical assistance to ensure your health during pregnancy and the health of your unborn baby. I hope that your financial situation improves quickly.

    Source(s): Former State Welfare Official00

  • Well i know if u were working part time you would automaticly qualify for medical since your pregnant just depends on the state u live in


  • You have got to shave some off your bills first, like cable (if you have it). Have you tried signing up for Medicaid? I qualified for it and my husband made more than your boyfriend.


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