Guys: How long did it take for you to get over your first serious gf?

Or the first girl you were absolutely crazy about? What did you do to get over her? ie did you hook up with lots of other girls afterwards etc

How long did it take you guys to be friends if you are friends now?


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  • I took me 3 months to get over my first serious girlfriend, and I’d say that even now, I’m not completely over her. I think if you love someone, you always have a special place in your heart for them. The way I was able to move on after our break up was to completely distance myself from her. I didn’t contact her after it ended. I hung out with friends, and did things I enjoyed to take my mind off of her. When you meet someone else that you like a lot, it makes it easier to move on from your ex also.

  • The first girl I went crazy about IS my serious GF!

    The point is just know the girl and if u think she is good and u two would be happy wid each other than ask her otherwise dont let her know!

    Source(s): Experience!

  • It was a year of torture. She got over me before she dumped me……(really quick I guess), and then she was like, ya no bye. And im super shy so I dont hook up with girls often so I didnt hook up with anyone afterwards.

  • I hooked up with other girls, some I did love but not as much as the first one.

    So, I’m not over her and I see her everyday, life isn’t fair :’-(

  • 🙁 im still not over her!!!!

    she dumped me, and day by day, i feel absolutely crap…

    the only people that cheer me up are my mates

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