Hamster aquarium cage?

So I have a Chinese Dwarf hamster and a store bought cage. I hate the cage. It has a huge wheel at the top the wont open and I can’t take off so it’s stinky and makes a huge mess . I have a 10 gallon aquarium tank and I was wondering if it’d be okay for my dwarf hamster? I don’t have a top to it so could he escape (he is a dwarf). I think it’d be perfect but .. I don’t want him to get away..


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  • Instead of a 10 gallon tank you should go to the pet store and buy a 20 gallon long tank instead. Hamsters need a minimum of 360 sq. inches of space to be happy because in the wild they usually have many burrows and a lot of room. Store bought cages are always too small but your hamster would be very happy in a 20 gallon long tank. Too small of tanks can cause stress to your hamster because they don’t have enough room. Stress can lead to disease 🙁 Also…you defiantly need a top for the tank. Whatever pet store you bought the tank from should sell them. My hamster escapes her cage within 30 seconds if I don’t put a top on and if you are planning on putting higher toys in the tank then you should defiantly put a top. It’s your own risk if you don’t…I would say better safe then sorry.

    I hope this helps 🙂


    Source(s): Owner of 1 hamster currently and 4 others in the past

  • I had my pet rat in an aquarium . They usually keep them in aquariums at the pet stores so it should be fine. Just put some toys or something in there with it when you get the chance to buy it some. It should be fine and I don’t think it could climb the glass 🙂

    Source(s): Experience

  • How would a hamster get out of a glass tank? Could he jump that high? I would buy a hamster terrarium. Also those colored tubes that go all around the room.

  • As long as he has got nothing to climb up on that will let him reach the top, if he is able reach the top hell be able to pull himself up and get out

  • i think its perfect! you could get tubes for it. sounds like a great idea wont be able to escape and saves ya 40 bucks.

    Source(s): i have my own

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