Heart hurts emotionally…?

Why is it that when a person is sad or hurt emotionally….sometimes there heart will start hurting physicially not as a heart attack or anything but just it feels literaly broken or hurt??


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  • its the stress and anxiety which builds up in your chest and caused all your muscles around the heart to tense up…

    when i was heartbroken, i had a physical pain around my heart! was so weird..

  • I don’t know if t is exactly what you are dealing with, but depression is an illness that’s not just mental. Depression affects the entire nervous system, not just the brain. Abnormal sensory activation can cause a pounding heart, palpitations, feelings like you’ve been punched in the chest, muscle weakness and pain, etc. Emotional pain in this way often coincides with physical pain. Unfortunately.

    Source(s): Experience with it.

  • because your heart is literally broken over someone you love. yeah you feel the pain, lots of people say it’s not real but it is. heartache is just that real. it hurts inside, it hurts on the outside.

    over time we heal but not always. some people can go on loving a certain person for life and never get over an ex truly or properly. it is the sad part of life most of us have to suffer though.

  • Yes, any age, younger or ancient could have center issues. Even the younger could have a center assault. Something is fallacious. Go see a Cardiologist for an intensive examination. Make an appointment ASAP. If you revel in discomfort and strain once more, earlier than your appointment, pass instantly to the Emergency Room.

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