HELP! My son holds his breath to get his way!!?

For the last couple of weeks my 3 year old has developed a habit of holding his breath when he doesn’t get his way. I am starting to get really worried because the other day i told him that he couldn’t have a candy bar so instead of throwing a tantrum he starts to hold his breath and he was actaully turning purple in the face and i didn’t know what to do! And i’m just so worried because he may faint eventually and injure himself.

Is this normal behavior?

What can i do!


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  • Ignore the behaviour and don’t react. Believe it or not what children want are firm boundaries. Avoid going shopping with him if this is becoming an issue and do not have any in the house. Find positive treats. Like going to the park, reading a book, swimming. I only go shopping when my daughter is fresh and then we go to the park after so she always has something to look forward to. I’ve never heard of a child seriously injuring themselves this way…they are born survivors. If pressed pick them up and make a speedy exit. I’ve only has to abandon a full trolley once. I pick up a preweighed pack of healthy fruit and give her some to munch on.

  • Very typical behaviour sweetie, especially for a 3 year old. Secret is to not show you care, harsh I know but honestly, they will not hurt themselves. I spoke to my doctor about it because I was worried that our 5 year old who has special needs would do it. She hasn’t yet but I’m still prepared. My doctor said to just roll your eyes and walk away. If you respond to their behaviour even negatively, they will continue to do it as that is almost like getting attention for doing it. So ignore it. My eldest currently has a meltdown where she will actually scream and pull faces at me when told “no”. I send her to the naughty chair and ignore her behaviour. I only return when she is quiet and has calmed down. We have found this to be very effective and she has reduced her screaming sessions greatly too. I hope you are able to do the same and ignore your son’s behaviour, hard to do at first but honestly, it will pay off in the end. Good luck and all the very best.

    Source(s): Mum to 3 girls: 5 year old with special needs, 3 year old and a 16 month old.

  • This may sound harsh, but if talking to him doesn’t do the trick, he honestly cannot hold his breath forever. Instincts kick and in and he will let it go before he passes out.

    If he does pass out, he’ll only do it once.

    Ask him what he thinks will happen to him (and you) when he holds it in.

  • Yeap and do you know what you do. Let him faint. he will start breathing again once he has fainted. You can ask your doctor but im pretty sure this is what they will say. just make sure when he does faint that there is nothing harmful he can land on besides the floor.

  • Normal. Ignore it. Do not give him anything that he holds his breath about. (If he passes out, he’ll start breathing again, so he won’t die from doing it.) Once he knows it won’t work (and you gotta make sure you are casual about it. If you act afraid, he’ll keep it up), he’ll likely try something else.

    Source(s): My daughter has tried everything to get her way, from crying and screaming to avoiding using the potty. Just don’t give in!

  • Yes, he might faint and when he does, breathing will resume. Don’t let him “win” by using this technique. I think fainting will scare him out of it, so ignore the behavior. I would also give him a time-out when he holds his breath. It is a form of manipulation and should not be tolerated.


  • I would explain to him the next time he does that he will get a time-out. Also tell him that he can get a booboo if he does that. Being put in a corner or time-out usually does the trick after a few times. Good luck!

    Source(s): Mother of a 3-year-old boy.

  • yes it is normal my little sister acted that way but cried sooo much!

    i talked to her and I told her she can’t have everything she wants and she can’t get her way all the time (but I waited until she was calm to talk) and I told her she is lucky she gets anything because some kids don’t and she gets alot and I just told her to wait until some day(like tomorrow i’ll do this)and it helped me and her because I didn’t have to put up with anything and she was being good like never before but she was never bad she just cried alot try something like that with him and by the way she was 4

  • don’t give in… and i would be worried for the future, that he doesn’t start to play the chocking game in school. break this habit quick.

  • Let him. If he passes out he’ll start to breathe normally again.


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