Homework question help?

please help me with this question:
When you drop a golfball and it bounces what forces are used? explain.

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  • First of all there is gravity. It will bounce imperfectly up to some height slightly less than the height it was dropped from. That’s because there is a slight loss of energy: some energy is lost when the ball is compressed, which is another force. As the ball is compressed against the surface it lands on the golf ball struggles to regain its form and pushes against the surface. (Pushing is another word for force). Though it is infinitesimal, the surface (concrete) has to have some sort of reaction to the golf ball changing direction (did you count this couple of forces? You should have). Finally there is one other force and that is the one that helps the golf ball go through the air. It is all those small indentations on the surface. They streamline the ball so it flies better and truer and air resistance (another force) has less effect.

    To summarize
    1 gravity pulling it down
    2. gravity limiting how far up it will go.
    3. the force of the ball being squished
    4. the need for the ball to retain its shape (for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction).
    5. the reaction of the surface
    6. the air being streamlined.

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