How can I be happier?

Lately I’ve been feeling pretty sad. I’m only happy when I’m with my friends, because they distract me from my sadness. I also feel very annoyed whenever my family members talk to me, and I get irritated so easily that it scares me. I’m pretty sure I’m not depressed or anything, but I really want to be happy again.


✅ Answers

  • First of all you must allow yourself to be happy once again, its al you and nothing but you. Don’t let the “sadness” get to you, whenever you feel sad find something that makes you happy and replace what bothers you with that. Maybe you’re sad because you’re repeating the same thing over and over and it might be causing you to feel sad due to repetition. Change a couple of things in a positive way and slowly add them to your life schedule and see if they give results. If you still feel bad after trying it out for a while, go see a good psychologist who can help you and guide you in a more professional way. Hope you do better and God bless.

  • Musiccc <3

  • You need to sit down with yourself in a room for a few hours. Have a sheet of paper in front of you. Pretend that you dont have a single friend or family member. Who are you and where are you going?? What do you like to do? Do you want to go to college? WHat do you want to be? What kind of personality traits are important for you to make sure you have? What kind of person to you want to portray to people? Are you being that person now? What are your flaws? How can you work to fix them? Do you want to marry? How about kids? Are you a dog person or a cat person? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? What style house do you like? Do you decorate or keep things simple? You need to figure out who you are before you can do anything else.

    This might not work for you but it did for me. I found out that I was really dependent on my friends and once I cut them out of the picture I was empty. It helped me once I planned out my life a bit. I hope I helped a little!

  • Its sounds as if you are younger, maybe you’re hormones can make you bipolar or have mood swings. Don’t worry just keep yourself occupied by the people and things you love. I know it can be frustrating but just be proactive and do things. Don’t just waste time sitting on the computer or watching TV. God has a plan for you!

    Source(s): Life.

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