How can I command more bandwidth for my wifi?

Idk if I am wording this right. But i live at a college in an appartment and the internet is slower then it should be by a lot..i can only figure someone is using up all the bandwidth…how can I command more of a bandwidth?


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • You must first watch every episode of Friendship is Magic. Once that is complete, watch every episode again!

  • get a better router and/or wireless card.

    just so you know most people around you are using netflix/youtube and 3rd porn… using up bandwidth… sorry that’s just how dorms work. my bud who is an IT intern at our college said that those 3 use up like 95% of bandwidth… sorry again!

    Source(s): inside information about my college

  • Buy any wireless modem type “N”

    The signal strength and speed is great.

    You can also focus on a better DNS (google “dns speed up”)

    Maybe get a new ISP (Internet service provider) idk

    You can check your speeds at “”


    (And **** Bronies)

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