How can I help out people anonymously?

I want to inspire people and help people get through hard times but I want to do it anonymously. I don’t really know how to do it though. I’m starting to write notes and when I see someone on the street or that I think needs help I can give them a letter. I am very young so I can’t drive and won’t be able to for a few years. So what else can I do to bring a smile to a strangers face? Where are some places I can volunteer for the summer? How do I volunteer? Where do I sign up? I don’t really know how it all works. Anyway so how else can I use my writings to help people and inspire people? Also where are some places in like public buildings and school I can leave little encouraging notes for people I find? Where in a library? Where in school? (Where at lunch, classroom, etc.) where in a store? Where in a restaurant? Anything else that you think is helpful is appreciated 🙂 thanks 🙂

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? Best Answer

  • When you give money, and if you don’t have to, just don’t identify yourself.
  • Foodbanks in your area. Although this would cost a bit, maybe buy a mylar solar blanket for like 1.50 USD on ebay and give one to a homeless person. Etc…

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