How can I keep the kid I babysit from being so bad?(sisters kid)?

I just started babysitting him a week ago, and I am already about to tell her to find someone else to take care of him if I can’t figure something out. Ok, he is a 14 month old with a bad attitude. I also have a 14 month old. Her child hits mine, picks up toys and hits my son on the head, takes anything my son touches away and seems to enjoy watching him cry, hits furniture with toys(Already destroyed my sons furniture which was brand new and now covered with dents), screams if I take something away and won’t stop(if you heard this you would think I am killing him). He screams when I take his jacket off when he first gets here. He won’t let me feed him and hits the spoon full of food out of my hand. He just doesn’t act right at all, and I don’t want my son picking up these habits especially the hitting and screaming. What can I try to do to make him act better? Telling him no does absolutely nothing except make him throw stuff. If you have nothing nice or helpful to say don’t say anything please.


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  • Both are babies so your sisters baby is not going to influence yours in any way.

    You should not discipline a baby before they are 2 because they are still babies and not realize that what they doing is wrong or hurts people around them.

    Explain to your sisters baby why he should not throw stuff in simple words.

    It seems like this baby feels insecure around you maybe because he wants his mom. A good idea would be to put a schedule chart with drawings of activities you will do until his mom comes back to get him. Explain to him what you are going to do every time you do something.

    Distract the baby by showing him things around the house.

    When he will trust you he wont be as aggressive anymore.

    Source(s): how to parent by dr fitzhugh dodson

  • If I was once you I might speak to the father and mother approximately getting a few craft matters like feathers,finger paint that’s wash in a position,a few paper,glue,a few play dough and doug cutters or cookie cutters.You might additionally take the youngsters external and get leaves rocks sticks ect. to make pics.You too can plan love to do crafts for 15-20min.,then cross to some thing else for the reason that their awareness spanned isn’t very lengthy so then you definitely might do like song and dance for 15-20min. then snack 15-20min.Then possibly a film.

  • discipline him, do more then just say no, which means nothing to him. when he starts throwing things and screaming, say “no” in a stern voice and take away everything that he can throw, if he starts to scream, let him scream, put him in timeout until he finishes his tantrum and calms down. only let him play with soft toys so they cant do damage if he throws or hits with them, and when he tries, take the toys.

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