Why do sum parents?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Don’t like disney movies for kids?


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  • Because when people don’t have anything better to do with their time, they find something to be hysterical about. Some people choose to get hysterical over microwaves and plastic. Others choose to be hysterical about the cancer-causing properties of sunscreen. And then you have parents who get hysterical about Disney movies.

    If only these types of people applied this sort of passion towards real-life issues.

  • I think some parents dislike the Disney princesses because of the same reasons some parents dislike Barbie (unrealistic body image).

    Also, some parents do not condone commercialism. If their son/daughter sees a Disney movie, then they’ll want this, that and the other movie themed toy. Parents do not want big corporations getting richer from their children. I think some parents also resent the various “tie-ins” that you see so often nowadays.

    I personally like Disney movies and allow my children to watch them (my daughter loves The Disney Channel).

    Source(s): mom of 2

  • Walt Disney movies are usually inspired by graphic traditional folklore. Many parents oppose this as some of the underlying messages and morals are still present in the Disney films. For example. The classic Snow White is from an old Slovakian tale of the beautiful woman raped by several miners, leaving her alone in the forest. The moral of this being the objectification of woman as a sexual object.

    This theme is also present in the modern film “Snow White” as Snow White is portrayed as nothing more than a pretty face, only being able to rely on a man to save her.

    In most people’s opinion, these movies are inappropriate for children to be exposed to at an early age.

    Source(s): PhD in Arts and Film, Child Psychology and Ancient History. Also A Father of 8.15

  • sum? you trying to add something up?


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