How Come we drink cow milk?

Why not Goats milk or any other animals milk???

Why mostly a Cow???


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  • Actually they say more people in the world drink goat’s milk than cow’s milk. Also in some areas sheep milk, water buffalo milk, and camels milk are popular options, as well as I’m sure a few other species.

    The main reasons for us choosing cows are economy and taste. A dairy cow will by far outproduce any other species, and will do so rather efficiently compared to other species. The milk has a good taste and one that many people are accustomed to. Not to mention their numbers are plentiful in many area of the world.

    In many more arid as well as poorer regions, the goat is the dairy animal of choice, as not only do they cost less, but they eat a lot less and can do pretty well on much less nutritious feed than a cow can.

    Other regions they go with an animal that’s both plentiful and well adapted to the area.

  • You can get goat milk, but it is more expensive.

    Cows are far more productive than goats in milk production.

  • Cows milk is healthier and tastes better.

    There are more cows than goats

    Cows are cooler 😀

  • There are more cows than goats

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