How do I clean pee off a microsuede couch? please help?

My son had a pee accident on our micro suede couch and i was wondering if their is a certain way to clean it. It doesn’t say anything on the tag and I was really wanting to put it in the washing machine since it is pee and stinks their is also some other smaller places on the cushions that need to be cleaned. please any advice you have would be great. thank you

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  • If it has a removable washable cover take it off and wash in normal detergent, Biz or Oxyclean and a half cup of white vinegar. If you don’t know ask the mfg – they usually have a hot line.

    If not get some Resolve in the red spray bottle and some white towels (not the good ones) to clean it. White vinegar spray (diluted ) will help remove the odor but washing thoroughly is the best way.

    Source(s): I have a very naughty cat….

  • Urine into the cushions is always a tough issue. You need to try and blot it out as best as you can. And for what I have used, it is vinegar and water, and I blot it into the area and let it dry. It works extremely quick. I am providing a link. Wash the covers in a cycle with a cup of vinegar, and then a regular washing if you wish. That will kill all the scent.

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