How do I fix my windows vista problem?

I had a power outage and my computer came back on after, and I launched repair mode. Anyway, I didn’t know there was a power outage, because someone else was using the computer while I was at work, and when I launched repair mode it messed up my computer. Now it only goes to the black screen that asks if I want to launch repair mode or start windows normally. When I start windows normally nothing happens, other then the windows logo coming up and then the screen turning black. Is there anyway to fix my computer?


I had a power outage and my computer came back on after, and I launched repair mode. Anyway, I didn’t know there was a power outage, because someone else was using the computer while I was at work, and when I launched repair mode it messed up my computer. Now it only goes to the black screen that asks if I want to launch repair mode or start windows normally. When I start windows normally nothing happens, other then the windows logo coming up and then the screen turning black. Is there anyway to fix my computer?

I’ve tried the repair disc, but nothing happens.

✅ Answers

  • You need to boot up the computer using the recovery CD that came with it, and follow all the on-screen instructions.

    If you do not have it, go the support website of your computer maker and call them to request a copy of the “lifesaver CD.”

  • I would try putting in the operating system disk, and choose the option “repair installation” if there is one. That might repair some of your system files the mind of somehow got screwed up

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  • go fetch a hammer and maul up your compter

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