How do I prevent neighbor from remodeling house?

I live in an apartment building next door to a house being completly remodeled. Gutted and lifted off the foundation. This has been going on 6 months. I’ m done listening to the noise.. They start very early and all around I find it disrespectful. The owner has already gotten into shouting matches with other neighbors other the noise. She had to stop construction for 2-3 weeks. For permits.

The I get a notice of an Administsrtive Decision from the city saying this construction will happen and to Appeal it cost $2 dollars. So they don’t really want you to appeal…

This is a tractor 10 feet from my bedroom window. Banging and hammering all day… I work late during the day and sleep in the Am. So when people are waking up I’m sleeping. I was gonna fire off some warning shots but my gut said no. Any ideas 2 prevent all construction.

I don’t to hear a hammer, nail gun or any noise coming from next door.

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Try this:

    Go to your neighbors who are also fed up with not only the noise, but the amount of time this construction is taking. These people are self absorbed if they even began all of this work without permits in the first place, so they are showing that they do not care about anyone but their own agenda.

    Ask the neighbors to all chip in for the $2 appeal cost. At the hearing, voice your concerns about the time of day the work begins and how long it lasts, as in weeks or months as there needs to be a completion date in sight. You and your neighbors are more powerful in numbers and together you can set some boundaries. Like, no noise before 8am or after 6pm. No construction noise on the weekend or at least on Sunday. All debris to be removed immediately as it is created. And, a deadline as this is going on long enough and disrupting every ones lives.

    For you, who works at night and sleeps during the day it is tough to deal with being violently woken each day with noise. You may want to invest in ear plugs.

    I implore you to collect money make that hearing happen before you have no choice in the matter.

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