How do they get the bubbles in bubble wrap?

I cannot resist popping the bubbles.


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  • Hi – I’ve managed to find this excellent website – the second link explains how bubble wrap’s made. To save you looking it up, I’ve cut’n’pasted the answer here.

    “Bubble Wrap manufacturing starts as polyethylene resin, in the form of beads about the size of pea gravel. The beads go into an extruder – a long cylinder with a screw inside that runs its entire length. As the screw is turned, heat builds up and the resin melts into a liquid that is squeezed out of the cylinder into two stacked sheets of clear plastic film. One layer of the film is wrapped around a drum with holes punched in it, and suction is applied drawing one web of film into the holes that form the bubbles. The second layer of film is then laminated over the first so that when the two films are joined, they stick together and trap the air in the bubbles.”

    All the best.


  • Virtual Bubble Wrap Popper


  • Bubble Wrap was invented, by happy accident, 50 years ago. Two American engineers, Alfred Fielding and Swiss-born Marc Chavannes, had been trying to invent a new form of easy-to-clean, easy-to-hang plastic wallpaper (this was 1957, remember, when plastic and ease were considered to be the future of home décor) when – pop! – they discovered that their strange creation made a brilliant lightweight packaging material.

    Chavannes and Fielding founded the Sealed Air Corporation in Saddle Brook, New Jersey, three years later, and ever since we have been wrapping delicate objects in their brilliant invention, as well as popping the bubbles as a form of stress relief or simply because we like the sound.

    There are plenty of Bubble Wrap copies available on the world market, yet very few are made so well or pop so satisfyingly. One of the few joys of moving house is the chance to visit a DIY store in order to buy a giant roll of Bubble Wrap. The stuff looks good, works well and is one of those rare designs – a simple, workaday product that is a genuine joy to use.

    Perpetual bubblewrap to pop on your PC see link


  • Haven’t a clue how they make the bubble wrap but it is a great way of getting rid of your aggression. Pop with your fingers if a little mad but jump on it if you are really frustrated. Boy does it make you feel much better. More effective than any other anger management technique. Hope you do find out how it is made!

  • That’s a scary thought!! Wrap the Evil Clown.

  • As you bubble poppers have seen there are two films. In the manufacture of Bobble Wrap one film is vacuumed onto a plate that has indentations in it the shape of the bubbles. The top layer is then laid on top and sealed or bonded to the bottom layer trapping the air.

    I hope that helps.

  • go hear and see

    Perpetual Bubble wrap

    Waste vital minutes by rolling your mouse over the bubble wrap. … over the bubble wrap to see and hear a satisfying ‘pop’ as the bubble bursts. … – 11k – Cached

  • could you image working in that kind of factory making bubble wrap, we’d get sacked the first day for popping the bubbles…

    I would love to know how they stop employers popping them…


  • It is made with simple plastc blow moulding machine – same that makes plastic bags. Except in case of bobble wraps you can have varying sizes and shapes of sealers. You can even have bubble wraps in square shapes as in shampoo sachet or round ones as in tea bags or what normally every one associates bubble wraps with – tablet forms. These machines are known as ‘form, fill and seal machines. (Bubble wraps are filled with air.)

  • i think its because of the compressed air in the bubbles which make them pop and make a loud noise. suppose you have a balloon and you fill it up with air then after you pop it, what happens it makes noise. Have fun popping more.

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