How do we get people to understand that global warming is happening? And that it needs to be stopped?

I don’t want people who are going to say ” Global warming doesn’t exist” because look around you..

Anyways I need to know how we get this point across to people so maybe they’ll do something about it!


wow, do people just not know how to read?

I dont want your opinion, i want an answer.


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  • You might want to hold off on your question for a few decades…… the Earth is currently in a Cooling phase.


  • The planet has been in a warming cycle for the last 10,0 approx. years -the end of the last ice age. There have been a few mini-cooling cycles since then the last being in the mid 16th century. Even if we stopped all pollution tomorrow, global warming would still continue for at least another 1,0 years at which point the cycle will reverse itself and we will enter into another cooling cycle. There are too many factors that are attributed to the cycles, but if you want to learn more just go to a public library and check out a book on climatology or weather -I started out in the children’s section because the books explained everything simply and very well, then I went on to read more detailed information. They all said the same thing. As the other writer posted, nature rules. It’s true, and the fact that we humans think we can change nature is absurd.

  • I look around me and I see a planet cooling off for the last 12 years.

    It’s very difficult to convince people of this global warming fraud, especially since it was exposed recently that these “scientists” were cooking the books to make the AGW theory true. They actually were throwing out data that showed the earth has been cooling.

    In fact, the main person behind the fraud was Michael Mann who just received a half million dollars from the stimulus bill as a reward for distorting data. That’s how political this issue is. For him to get money from Obama for lying to everyone is outrageous.

    Either get with the truth, or continue to believe the lie. It’s up to you. Some prefer to live in a dream world, but don’t expect everyone to ignore reality as you seem to be doing.

    Beside, even if we were still in a warming period, there’s nothing we can do about it. We have no effect on this planet and couldn’t hurt it with a million atom bombs.

  • No. Global warming has been proven a hoax. Search for ‘climategate’ online. The UN and other globalist groups just want to institute a global carbon tax and make carbon credits into a hot new commodity. Then all the carbon trading companies will make a huge profit off these. Al Gore and others who own these carbon trading companies have already made millions from trading carbon credits, and when their mandated by international law, they’ll make billions. It’s all a scam from head to toe. The carbon trading system was devised by Ken Lay, former CEO of Enron, and see how that turned out? More Carbon dioxide in the air would mean more greenery and that plants would need less water. More plants mean more oxygen and less of the real harmful toxins like sulfur and carbon monoxide. Please open your eyes to this conspiracy. They’re feeding off well-meaning people. But we the people shall prevail!

    Oh yeah, polar bear populations have increased three fold in the last forty years… Just some food for thought.

    Source(s): www.infowars.com51

  • The argument is not that there is a global warming but that such warming is in fact happening through the action of mankind and is mankind the culprit..

    Many eminent scientists rail at the media machine that is foisting the Idea that man is indeed the cause, many believe that there is well documented proof that the warming that the earth is experiencing is in fact attributed to the sun and its cycle of sun spots and solar flares that send plumes of cosmic wind out into space, it is this flaring that periodically upsets the normal seasons and cycle of earths welfare, as ice core drilling’s are showing this type of sequence is not new in the life of the earth but a simple phase that we enter many times in the history of the world.

    One of the effects that solar flares cause is the amount of cloud cover that can control the weather, one year we have El- Ninio and another we have drought, until proper and unbiased scientific foundation for global warming is forthcoming then there will be a huge backlash of opinion against unsubstantiated ‘facts’ that are often gathered by those with a vested interest in making money or imposing taxation..

  • Well humans idea’s on stooping what they so call global warming…all the planets are warming…it the universe warming how do you stop that???!!!!!! Time to awake, it is like insane!!! Just know the truth you can never stop what as already happened we are seeing the past. cConnecting to the unknown creation fields/forces/beings/waves/vibrations “energy” is the key to surviving whats to come in the expansion “time” , empty yourself and let the universe in,truthfully no need to worry at all.

  • You say look around you? Well in Florida, USA there are icicles on the oranges, and they are setting new low records!!! Try to be more analytical and less emotional, and you will realize you have been told a bunch of lies. On 1-11-10, UK scientists announced the start of a MINI ICE AGE! Another small fact they present now, is that since 27, the ice at the North Pole has increased by 4,0 square miles or 26%!! Why didn’t they tell us about that trend in 28 or 29?…

    In 27, the UK High Court ruled “Inconvenient Truth” contained “Nine Key Scientific” errors. The judge also ruled the movie was politically partisan and thus, not an impartial scientific analysis of climate change. The judge ruled it, a “political film” not a movie about science.…

    Swiss Scientists say Sunlight melted glaciers, not global warming.…

    Russians confirm that UK scientists manipulated data to exaggerate global warming…

    The entire GW scheme was thought up by the elitist scientists who were working on STAR WARS for Pres Reagan. When he canceled the program, they naturally thought about where their next paychecks would come from, and thought up the GW idea. Since then, it has spun out of control.

  • Global warming ISN’T happening. But still, the government have done all they can by trying to make people scared. So that’s really all they can do for now.

    and global warming believers need to study up on their history like ASAP.

  • Move them to Florida and let them freeze. It’s never been this cold in the 7 years I’ve been here. Global Warming = Al Gore $$$$$

  • You should tell the people the truth that Global Warming propaganda is only a mere justification to do anything..

  • How do we stop people like you.

    Take a look around its a feakin’ snow blizzard.

    Like a lot of reality ‘deniers’ alarmist warmers don’t want to hear the common sense arguments against this tripe.

    What would be brilliant is if all you warmers/deniers just paid twice as much as us for everything, that way you would be fulfilling your religious duties and we wouldn’t be subjected to fascism.

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