How do you fix bad luck (don't tell me it's not real when every day is one thing after another)?

Hanna gets out of bed , stubbs her to, no hot water and her hair won’t stay out of her face.

Then she gets on the road and TWO slow moving trucks cut her off and a rock flies off one and cracks her windshield. She makes it to work only to find somehow amazingly her $10 for lunch dropped out of her purse somewhere along the way.

This is a normal morning (all before lunch ) for Hannah. WHAT is wrong? If she asks advice most people say “at least no one died ” or “most have it much worse”

Be that as it may , does this mean she has to go thru life dealing with bad luck and roadblocks just because ‘someone else has it worse” . Can she not question karma or God or univisal forces? SERIOUSLY…how do you fix bad luck??

SO no , nothing earth shattering but sure gets ANNOYING


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Luck is a state of mind. A way to view the world. When bad things happen to people who are optimists and see the lucky things in life, it’s less bad because of that.

    In other words, you can learn to be lucky by thinking about how you think and why. Focus on seeing the good and lucky things in life and true luck will follow.

  • Luck is all about your own perception and belief. If Hanna focuses on all the annoying little inconveniences every day and sees them all as bad luck, she isn’t focusing on any of the good things that have happened.

    For example:

    Hanna exists simultaneously in four perfectly identical universes and all four Hannas are walking in the bright sun when they each step into an identical pile of dog poop – but each has a different emotional reaction.

    Hanna A gets angry

    Hanna B get depressed

    Hanna C gets anxious

    Hanna D gets a smile on her face

    What unobservable difference accounts for their different emotional reactions to the dog poop?


    Each has a different BELIEF about the situation. It’s not the dog poops of life that brings on our emotions, but our beliefs about those poops.

    Hanna A believes that people SHOULD/MUST clean up after their dogs. She demands it and so believes they should burn in hell with their little dogs on sharp sticks next to them.

    Hanna B. believes that stepping in poop shows what an inattentive jerk and loser she is and feels sad and even depressed.

    Hanna C. believes that it would be awful if anyone saw her being inattentive and stepping in poop. She demands that no one see this and is anxious until she is reassured that no one saw this.

    Hanna D. believes she was lucky to be wearing shoes that day and so smiles and goes to find a hose to clean off the mess.

    Yeah, sometimes poop just happens. It does to all of us. When Hanna adjusts her beliefs about, and reactions to, life’s dog poops, she’ll become more confident and content with herself, which will result in her being more mindful and not stepping in the poop all the time.

    Hanna could watch out for cognitive distortions, and learn how to fix them when they happen.…

  • Sh*T Happens.

    It’s the universal law of balance. Energy has it’s sides negative and positive so the more negative that happens the more you put out through anger so just level yourself calmly because once the storm is over positive energy will return.

    Source(s): Me

  • Yeah I agree with @pain

    You could always choose to see it as lessons

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