What’s happening to me?

I am 13 years old of age, and 5’4 and a half, and when I was in 2nd grade I was put on bipolar for shows of early mood swings abehavior’svor problems. The summer before I began seventh grade my doctor wanted to try putting me AD-HD for my focus abehaviourvor in class. I will admit it works great, but let me say that over the summer I was very thick I was big in the belly and I was unable to fit my hand around my wrist. So when I sarted I saw a amazing amount of weight lost in my body. But now it is making me really concerned! I am 5’4 and a half as I said and I read that I need to be at the average of 128-136lbs in weight. I weight only 103lbs. I can fit my whole hand around my wrist now and I feel my bones in my forearm, hands, shoulders, ribs, hip bones, and collar bone as if I was feeling a science class model ofskeletonten.You can see the tip of my ribs and my hips are not visible but they’re shown. And my arms still have muscle but I feel like I am losing muscle on my body more and more! I am scared because I read it could lead to death. My parents mention it a lot to me and it is scary. I am telling my doctor and he is telling me to come back gaining at least 20lbs more all the time. Please help with eating tips or how to stop and get my old chubby self back. I want to join the Army like my family is full of I have been in every war and I don’t want to die at 13 help me, please. Am I bipolar, is it AD-HD side effect, or is it just my body doing it’s natural changes?
-Tanner Austin, TX

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • You are not going to die just because you are underweight and scrawny at 13. You are going through puberty now. Your body is changing and your hormone is unsettling. Wait till 19 then your body will be more settled. You are going to expect growth spurts anytime now until 19 and you make sure you eat right, exercise and sleep well. Then you will see the ugly duckling becomes a swan. Don’t worry the body changes but you must have a strong mind to control it. “
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