How do your know if a mouse a male or a female?

I adopted a mouse from my neighbor who is moving out. They think its a she but they are not sure.


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  • Sexing mice can be tricky. Males are able to “hold” their testicles, making them appear to be female. The trick is looking at the distance between the anus and the genitals. Females have a shorter distance than males.

    Of course, every mouse is different, and it makes it a lot harder when you don’t have a second mouse of known sex to compare the unknown mouse to.

    The Fun Mouse has a How-To on sexing mice, including comparative pictures of males and females.

    If the mouse is indeed a girl, she will need companions. Female mice should *never* be housed alone. They are incredibly social animals and can easily become depressed and die from loneliness. The ideal number of females is 3. This link goes into more detail…

    When getting new mice, you MUST quarantine (QT) them as they could be carrying any sort of sickness and you want to prevent it from passing to your existing mice. This link gives more info on QT

    This link tells you how to introduce new mice to your existing mice the safest way, to minimise fighting

    If the mouse turns out to be a male however, he must be kept alone. Males are *extremely* territorial and will fight, often to the death. A total of about 1% of people will house males together successfully, the rest most often ending in tragedy. Males who have lived together for months happily can suddenly turn on each other without warning, and you probably won’t be there to stop it.

    Because they have to live alone, males need much more attention than females. They won’t suffer from lack of other mouse company like females, but still need human interaction to stay healthy. For this reason *you* become their best friend. Males need a minimum of 30mins play time per day to stay happy and healthy, plus a rich variety of toys.

    The Fun Mouse is full of the information you need to understand the basics of responsible mouse husbandry

    Source(s): Owner of 19 happy meecers, experience with sexing litters & member of TFM

  • Mice are much more difficult than rats because their testicles are covered in fur and usually sucked up into his body. But I slightly lift the tail and then push downward and back at the base of the tail to force testicles out.


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