How great was Billy Kidman?

I honestly believe if pushed right he couldve been a solid main eventer with his ability and like ability


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  • let’s be honest here out of all the people in the cruiserweight division in WCW that could of been pushed to be a bigger star…..Billy Kidman was at the middle or bottom of the list. Jaime Noble was better, Chavo was better, Juvy was better, Psicosis was better, Jimmy Wang was better,

    I mean come on wanna talk about spots or tiers?

    the top: Eddie, Dean, Benoit

    2nd: Rey, Psicosis, Juvy

    2a: Jung Dragons

    3rd: Villanos, Silver King, Lizmark Jr. (Hijo de Lizmark)

    4th: Billy, Prince Iakea, Lash Laroux

    Oh and his short feud with Hogan was just garbage……..the ONLY 2 if you will that did breakout from the weight division were Jericho and Sean Waltman.

    Xpac or 6-pac or whatever name you want to use was clearly 3 or 4 levels better than Kidman

  • Unfortunately , when placed in the ring against a heavyweight wrestler, Kidman as a cruiser weight was always on the losing end. Especially when he was part of “the Flock” with Raven. With the right push, he might ( MIGHT ) been in the same limelight as Rey Mysertio… but never a Heavyweight champion or a main event draw. He just did not have that charisma on the mic, that intensity to draw a huge crowd , and really did nothing to cause a stir in the wrestling world.

    Don’t get me wrong, Kidman was good. Good talent, decent cruiserweight champ… but great? No.

  • my fav cruiserweight in wwe

    i think him among others were too good to be competing for the title that’s how good the division was.

    i remember his feud with paul london and that could of went somewhere. i wish wwe can bring back the cruiserweight title but can’t see it at this moment.

    i don’t think he even got a push or a chance.

  • Well, I think he married Torrie Wilson at one point.

    He was that great

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