How immature is Kyle?

How immature is Kyle, I told him what he was doing wrong in posting his last question, and he immediately blocks me and then states on his question I’m the a troll.

Is that immature or what?


Well Kyle since you blocked me and don’t even give me a chance to reply here it is.

Why do you have over 60% best answers? Is it because you ask questions from your other accounts or is it that you spend all your time voting on your best answer?

Either way it means your a fake.

I have no other accounts, You more then likely do.

You seem very insecure and threaten by the slightest person that knows more then you.

Update 2:

Young Blood I should have the right to defend myself when some one insults me and calls me a troll.

How would you feel if that happened to you Young Blood?

Update 3:

Young Blood I should have the right to defend myself when some one insults me and calls me a troll.

How would you feel if that happened to you Young Blood?


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • consider yourself lucky, you wont have to read his pointless rants anymore

    Source(s): 30+yrs ma

  • omg that is way too immature. i feel sorry for you man.

  • how immature is kyle how immature are you for asking this?? I am reporting

    good day sir!!

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