how many reps should i do?

im using pounders and i can do easily and i just started doing them. how many should i do a day and how many days

Any reps over is simply cardio …. keep it sets of – – – while raising the weight as you lower the reps.

That is how you grow .

I’m not saying you are wasting time but you are wasting energy and not maximizing growth potential for the effort being applied .

Lifting smart with good form and intensity will gain a lot of muscle and strength .

raise your weight to pounds and try and do reps, times, with a – minute break in between each set.

its best to do work outs per muscle, once every – days.

if you want to see your arm get bigger and stronger, build your tricep because it is a bigger and stronger muscle that your bicep!

if you can do reps of anything easily it is far to light to make a difference, its best to do fewer of a higher weight as said above

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    Any reps over is simply cardio …. keep it sets of – – – while raising the weight as you lower the reps.

    That is how you grow .

    I’m not saying you are wasting time but you are wasting energy and not maximizing growth potential for the effort being applied .

    Lifting smart with good form and intensity will gain a lot of muscle and strength .

  • raise your weight to pounds and try and do reps, times, with a – minute break in between each set.

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    its best to do work outs per muscle, once every – days.

    if you want to see your arm get bigger and stronger, build your tricep because it is a bigger and stronger muscle that your bicep!

  • if you can do reps of anything easily it is far to light to make a difference, its best to do fewer of a higher weight as said above

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