How old would you do this?

Parents: how old would you let your daughter have a sleepover with a boy? Would you even let them?

Teens: how old do you think is the right time for you to have a sleepover with a boy? <– for girls


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  • I’m a teenager. And personally, even if I liked the guy a lot, I would even be a little nervous spending the night with him. Teens are going through changes (As you probably know already) and very few guys aren’t going to take advantage of the girl sleeping over. And girls will listen to anything boys tell them. If a boy tells us they love us, we’re going to believe it. Guys are very smart at one thing especially, and that’s convincing a girl its ok. And I’ve never personally slept with a guy before, but I know what could happen. And If I were a parent, I would be scared. Guys will get a girl to think its ok and nothing bad will happen when really, a lot could. She’s going to be upset at first if you say no, but she’ll regret it even more if it does actually happen and she gets pregnant or catches something. I don’t need to tell you what would happen if she had a kid at her age. I’m also not saying never trust her and lock her in the house and never let her leave. And if I was a parent and considered letting her, I would have to know this guy VERY well and was SURE he was good and can be trusted. Even then I would say maybe… 17? People have a section of the brain in the front of the head that makes decisions and isn’t fully formed until age 21. I would want to wait until my daughter has a higher level level of understanding. Hope this helps 🙂

  • As someone wanting to be a father, if I had a daughter I’d only let her have a sleepover at a boy’s until the time she’s five. Even then, most girls around that age would be like, “boys are gross”, so I wouldn’t have to worry much about it. I’d also only let my daughters stay at a boy’s house if they were related, basically cousins. As for letting my sons stay at a girl’s, I’d be the same way as the daughters, but I’d be more concerned because boys love to play pranks. Most of the time my daughter would only be allowed over at a girl’s or my son at a boy’s. It’s common sense, really. For teenagers, never. Teenagers aren’t concerned at all about sex; they are eager because their hormones are hungry for it. I would never let my teenage daughter stay at another boy’s house until they had their own place. Same for my son for staying at a girl’s; maybe I can trust my child but I wouldn’t always trust the other child they are staying with.

  • As a parent of a 14 year old boy, I would definitely NOT let him have a sleep over with a girl, even if they were just friends. No way!!!

  • 12

  • Lol when their married. I ain’t going to have a pregnant 12 year old daughter

  • I was able to when I was 17, but then again, I knew my boyfriend since I was 11 and so did my parents..

  • It maters on the girl but hey most girls are going to sneak out. So sneek a condom in there purse or some thingif u think that best

  • i would never let my daughter have a boy to sleep over

  • When they are an adult or at least 17, unless they are stupidly responcible, 16

  • 16-18 depends on their maturity

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