I need help disciplining toddlers? (2-3 yr olds)?

I just started working at a daycare and since im new I feel like the kids think they can do what they please. I tried to discipline them but I feel like they take it as a joke. This is my first time working at a daycare so its a little tough. Ive tried the nice card by telling them to behave or to stop being mean to other students. I even pull them aside if they just don’t listen. I;m finding it hard, i’m just not sure how to go about it. Is it ok to yell? Whats acceptable and what is not? And feel free to leave some tips, cus I need them!


I was there last week also to ‘try it out’ and they were actually listening to me and well behaved, could today just been one of those days where they just don’t want to behave. Is that normal?


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  • As an employee of the daycare facility, you need to follow the standards set by your employers, not advice you get on Yahoo!

    ✅ Answers

    . Ask your employers how they want problem children to be handled.

  • Yelling begets more yelling. You will get more response from whispering to them. They respond to diversion best at that age. In other words say ‘ Look Derek, there is a bird outside’ and take him by the hand to the window. Anything that distracts from the problem at hand. At 4 yrs you wont be able to distract as easily; but now it works. The children you have are just babies and need gentleness. So try to not use negative sentences like ‘ Dont do that’ but rather change their situation by being positive and saying ‘ Oh lets go do alphabet letters’. In other words, drop the focus on what they did and move on.

    You might want to read a child development book so you know their capacities. A good one is Giselle Institute.

    You have a very very important job-and also the most difficult one.

  • they might feel as thou they can take advantage of u because ur new (yes, even little kids think that way and will see what they can get away with!) honestly, uhave to put them in their place so they know that YOU are in charge and YOU are the teacher!! you of course do not want to be cruel to them, but you need to discpline them when they are acting up so that they can grow to be well behaved happy kids. this age range is crucial for developing, so u dont want them to feel like they can act up and not do their work.

    and yes, toddlers/little kids will have their days when they act up. not everyday is going to be good. they will have worse days then others, but if it consistently not listening, u have to get them in trouble by either letting them sit out when the rest of the class is doing something fun or getting a time out on the timeout chair or wherever that may be.

    it can be tricky with little kids, but if u get them in trouble when they misbehave and u r stern, they will eventually catch on that u r the teacher and u r in charge of them, and they will start acting better.

  • Keys to communication and reward good behavior

  • They’re babies, stick to time out and don’t make their lives hell. They can barely talk and they’re too dumb to really understand what they’re doing. You’ll scare the crap out of them if you yell and it’ll impact their personalities in the future. I had to deal with mean daycare staff when I was a toddler, and not surprisingly, in grade one I pretty much soiled myself in class because I was scared to ask to go to the washroom.

    Edit- The only exception would be unruly little black children, they are a whole ‘nother species. Keep your eyes on them.


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