How would I turn this into Pseudo code?

<div style=”position: absolute; width: px; height: px; z-index: ; left: px; top: px” id=”layer”>

<img alt=”heading” src=”heading.jpg” width=”” height=”” /></div>

<div style=”position: absolute; width: px; height: px; z-index: ; left: px; top: px” id=”layer”>

<table style=”background-color:black; margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; margin-top:px;” %” cellspacing=”” cellpadding=””>


<td colspan=””><img src=”gallery pics/mainpic.png” name=”main” width=”” height=”” id=”main” /></td>



<td width=”%”><a href=”javascript:;” onclick=”MM_swapImage(‘main’,”,’gallery pics/mainpic.png’,)”><img src=”gallery pics/mainpicthumb.png” name=”t” width=”” height=”” border=”” id=”t” onclick=”MM_effectAppearFade(‘main’, , , , false)” /></a></td>

<td width=”%”><a href=”javascript:;” onclick=”MM_swapImage(‘main’,”,’gallery pics/p.png’,)”><img src=”gallery pics/pthumb.png” name=”t” width=”” height=”” border=”” id=”t” onclick=”MM_effectAppearFade(‘main’, , , , false)” /></a></td>

<td width=”%”><a href=”javascript:;” onclick=”MM_swapImage(‘main’,”,’gallery pics/p.png’,)”><img src=”gallery pics/pthumb.png” name=”t” width=”” height=”” border=”” id=”t” onclick=”MM_effectAppearFade(‘main’, , , , false)” /></a></td>



✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • You shouldn’t. Pseudo code is used for program algorithm logic: IF X THEN Y and so on, not for HTML markup

  • Pseudocode is the term for an algorithm or similar piece of code that is written in a kind of hybrid of code and english, as opposed to an actual programming language.

    It is meant to convey a way of how to code something without requiring the reader to know the syntax of a particular programming language.

    The only way I can see this applied to HTML source code (which isn’t a programming language but a markup language used to describe structure and content of a web site) is to spell out each element.

    For example the first div would translate to

    A square called “layer” with a side length of px length, pixels to the right and pixels down.

    Is this what you’re supposed to do? I seriously doubt that.

  • Pseudo Code of HTML would look more like a drawing than actual writing.

    See also  [Blogspot Platform] Sidebar Pushed Down?

    Pseudo Code is the equivalent of a teacher requiring you to turn in a Brain Storm (Pseudo Code) and then a Book Report (The Actual Code)

    Pseudo Code isn’t a language or an actual code.

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