I am 16 what are my LEGAL RIGHTS?

I am living in the UK and I have met a man who is amazing he is 28so theres is a big age gap but I have started to fall for him, He thought I was alot older than what I look and when I said I was 16 he was shockedbut said I am still Legal is there anyway anyone could stop us being together? PLUS what are the legal rights for being 16 living in the UK?


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • You really should drop him. He is WAY WAY too old. As much as you might dislike my comment.. it’s the truth. You two will have nothing in common because you are so far apart in age. You two are in two completely different chapters of your lives. You will be much happier with a man your age dear! As wonderful as you might believe he is now.. it will not last and in a few years you will be on to someone else. So it’s better to let this older guy go sooner than later. sorry xx

  • -You can legally have heterosexual (between a man and a woman) or homosexual or gay (between two members of the same sex) sex in the UK.

    – You can choose your own GP, and can sign a medical consent form.

    – You can get a full-time job.

    – You can drink wine, beer or cider with a meal in a restaurant.

    – You can claim social security benefit under certain circumstances.

    – You can leave home with your parents’ consent, or without it if you are leaving an abusive or neglectful situation.

    – You can get a license to drive a moped.

    – You can smoke tobacco, but you can’t legally buy it until you are 18 years old.

    – You can buy a National Lottery ticket.

    – The NSPCC recommends this as a minimum age for a babysitter

    At Age 16-and-a-half

    – You can join the Army, but you won’t be able to go on active service until you are 18.

    – At age 12 you can Legally you can buy a pet. However some shops can legally have a policy of not selling animals to persons under 16 years of age.

    P.S. i think this guy is too old for you and using you as you are younger as a “trophy”, trust me he isn’t with you for your personality. The age gap is too big so you won’t relate to him that well. He only wants you for one thing. You need to find someone closer to your age, if you had a relationship with him and break up with him, you will regret it.

    Hope this helps :]

    Source(s): http://www.childline.org.uk/explore/crimelaw/pages…

  • In the UK, 16 is the legal age for sexual consent but you cannot make any binding arrangement without your parents’ approval. From hereon in, for every right you gain, you also acquire duties as a citizen.

  • Legally not much anyone could do about it.

    You’ll grow out of it – or he will. Any 28 year old man who falls for a child of 16 has plenty of growing up of their own to do!

  • I don’t think you have any rights, not until you’re 18 at least and you REALLY shouldn’t be seeing someone twice your age.

    Source(s): 17 year old female from Milwaukee, WI

  • in the us, 16 is the age of consent, i think you can also “legally divorce” your parents lol

  • NOO the age gap is toooo BIG its not legal end of. Believe me you cant do it with him… Its illegal

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