I am a first time owner?

I have a puppy that is between 20 and 30 weeks old, she is showing signs of being sick but i am unsure what to do.About two days ago she loss her appetite, then her energy, and now has slight diarrhea. Some people i have asked said it is worms while others say it is a stomach bug. I am unsure if i should treat her for worms or just take to a vet.


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  • What other people say doesn’t matter. Take the poor thing to the vet, it could have Parvo or something serious.

    The vets will know what to do.

    Source(s): Obviocity.

  • Well, there are plenty of reasons why your dog is showing those symptoms.

    My only suggestion is that you should take your dog to the vets straight away.

    If the dog does have worms then your vet will give you something to treat it.

    If it’s something else other than worms then the vet will be able to work on that and possibly treat it.

  • 2 days is quite a while for a pup to be sick. To be safe take her to the vet. It could be anything from a stomach bug, to worms, to something more serious like parvo. Better safe than sorry.

  • Kill two birds with one stone and take her to the vet. If she has worms, they will treat her there for them, and they have a much better worming medication than what you buy in the store. And if it’s not worms, then they will figure out what is wrong with her. Also, if you can.. Take a stool sample with you to the vets so they can determine if she has worms, and if so what kind so they can properly treat her.

  • Take your dog to the vets. It’s the best thing to do in this situation.

    As a first time owner, If you already haven’t, I’d also recommend you take out insurance on your pup.

    You can try to treat your dog on the shaky ideas of the people you have already asked or you can take your dog to a professional who will diagnose and treat your dog.

    Go to the vets.

  • Take her to the Vet Asap. Because it could be Parvo and that is very very bad. It is very contagious. Yes it could be a stomach bug, but she is loosing her energy and getting the runs, she can get dehydrated real fast and die on you.

  • :/ Vet would be a really good option right now. I’m normally a person who waits and tries to figure it out for myself, but this is one of those cases where a vet your could your puppy’s life. Please go to the vet.

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