I am very confused with how i should be fighting?

A lot of people said that I should switch to orthodox but I have been taught most of my life to fight southpaw but I am really comfortable and my left hand has gotten stronger than my right baring in mind i am right handed should i switch or should i stay the way i am already fighting?


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  • Most people holding pads or mitts get confused when they work with southpaws, but other than that there’s really no need to switch. If you train in MMA you’ll also be in your strong stance for wrestling like this.

    Source(s): Experience in multiple styles, primarily Muay Thai, moderator of The Caged Dojo Forums founded by Y!A Top Contributors.

  • I’m the same as you, a right handed southpaw. I wouldn’t switch to orthodox stance completely if I were you, but I would advise you to practice in orthodox stance so you can get comfortable with both and have the advantage of being able to naturally switch stances.

    That being said, as a righty southpaw, there are some disadvantages in certain martial arts, being righthanded and fighting southpaw in BJJ is actually a disadvantage as you are placing your primary strong leg in the lead giving you a weaker stance and less balance.

    So I would say to learn orthodox, you probably won’t need it much for striking, but it’s very helpful knowing it for grappling.

  • southpaw fighters are used to fighting orthodox fighters,but for a orthodox fighters it very hard and uncomfortable to fight a southpaw.so southpaw have a bit of advantage people don’t like fighting or training southpaw but in order to be a southpaw you have to be left handed and your not so switch and if you switch after 2 or 3 training(depends on how long have you been fighting southpaw ) you will feel even more comfortable as a orthodox

    Source(s): Amateur boxer 3 year’s of experience boxing

  • Fight whichever way you feel is more comfortable. I learned southpaw and my right is the bigger threat. It’s worked out pretty great for me.

    Source(s): 15 years of martial arts.

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  • Are they giving you any logical reasons for you to switch? If not, stick with the stance you’re most comfortable with.

  • do what your coach thinks is best. he knows you better than anyone on yahoo answers

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