I don’t know what I want to do with my life?

I’m a Junior in High School and I don’t know what I want to do with my life. I don’t even know what I really enjoy doing. I like video games, art, making videos, I really like to create. I don’t even know if I want to go to college or should go. I don’t want to go and get a degree in something I don’t care about or enjoy doing and then get a job I don’t like. Sure I might make a lot of money. Because that is the goal, right? To make money. I don’t just want to make a lot of money and buy all of these things I don’t really need. I don’t want to be poor either. I want to eventually be able to start a family. I want to travel the world. The thing is I don’t know if I can do this. Our whole society is about making money and that’s it. The only reason most people go to college to be doctors or lawyers is not because they want to be, it’s about money. I know money is important, but I want to make money doing something I enjoy. Life is to short to waste time doing things you don’t really want to do. I could die tomorrow, or in college and would never have gotten to go to Spain. I need a direction to go to.

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  • Dear John, the one and only thing you will be successful in life and what you want to do is things that you are very passionate about. No matter what Job you take or any business you open or no matter how much money you will make a year or month or week if you are not Passionate about what you do and love to do you will never ever be happy even if you were the President of the U.S. A. in order to be successful you must love what you do no matter what it is from being a gas station attendant to being the President of the U.S.A. nothing is worse than you work for someone or for yourself and the job you take is not what is truly are very passionate about . take cook as an example they love what they do to them they create Art for you it’s only food so what you need is truly think hard about what you love doing not for one day one week or one month you need to look think about some thing that you are very good at love it as if your life dependents on it then do that job and you will be not just the making good money but the happiest person on earth since what you do is like falling in love with someone that you are willing to spend your life with and being your eternal soul mate. that’s what is life about you need to be passionate about what you want to do and just do it study for it act on it and be the best you could be then you will be the happiest man on earth with wife that you love to death kids that you will love eternity and job that you enjoy and love. nothing else then will matter.
  • If you head roughly northeast from Pueblo and go about 5,300 miles, you should wind up in Spain.

    google earth

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