I got a new puppy!!!!!!!!!!!?

Hey I’m 15 and just got a Border collie about a week ago. She is about 16 weeks, I live in a very rural area that doesn’t have many cars busy streets etc. the closest neighbor is about half a mile away. I’m also a very active person, I’m on the cross country team in my school and i jog about 3-6 miles a day then walk for an hour in the morning before school. I have done months of research on the dog i would like that could go jogging with me. I decided on getting a border collie.

My question is when can i start jogging with my puppy and how long should i jog with her. She is caught up on her shots etc? Should i wait til she’s older? or start now but jog less with her?


✅ Answers

  • At the outset, all that she should do are several very short walks a day.

    Wait until she is at least a year old before taking her for a long jog. She won’t be able to cope with six miles, however she should be able to cope with your morning walk.

    Lets face it, you could not cope with 6 miles when you were younger. Build her jogging sessions up gradually.

    You must also find other activities to stretch her mind. B.C’s are highly intelligent and they need a job. For a start take her to obedience classes, then consider Agility or Heel Work to Music. Walking is not enough.

  • Are you trying to brag about you and your puppy, or do you really not have any sense?

    First of all, we don’t know your dog. We don’t know if she is on the more timid side, or bursting with energy. I really think you just want to brag, TBH… you could of asked an actual question, such as “When should I jog with my puppy?” and telling your age, where you live, etc.

    This depends on your dog, play it by ear.

  • You should speak to your vet or the breeder about the timing of letting her run long distances, but in most breeds of that general size you’d want to wait at least a year, so her joints and skeleton are fully formed. Hard running and excessive jumping prior to physical maturity can cause joint issues.

    Source(s): mb

  • Definitely ease her into it, take her on short jogs at first and as she gets older and fitter she’ll absolutely enjoy running long distances with you. Congrats on getting a puppy! 🙂 can we see a picture? 😛

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