I have heard that the weather patterns and climate of Indiana and Nebraska are indistinguishable?

Is this True and Why or Why not?


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  • Reasonably so. They are both Dfa on the Köppen climate classification system (except for Western Nebraska). http://www2m.biglobe.ne.jp/%257eZenTech/English/Cl…

    Dfa means:

    D = Continental/microthermal climate “These climates have an average temperature above 10 °C (50 °F) in their warmest months, and a coldest month average below −3 °C (or 0 °C in some versions …)”

    f = “significant precipitation in all seasons”

    a = ” warmest month average temperature above 22 °C (72 °F) with at least 4 months averaging above 10 °C (50 °F)” — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6ppen_climate_c…

    This is because they are both the same latitude (approximately) http://www.challengerindy.org/Lessons/states/US%20…

    Except for the extreme Northwest of Indiana, there is no body of water moderating the temperature nearby. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continental_climate

    They are both subject to tropical storms wandering into the Great Plains between the Rockies and the Appalachian Mountains. http://www.map-of-usa.co.uk/images/usa-physical-ma…

    However, not quite. Nebraska is subject to Chinook Winds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinook_winds

    due to its being on the leeward (East) side of the Rockies. Thus, unlike Indiana, Nebraska gets most of her precipitation during the warm half of the year. http://www.atmos.ucla.edu/~kristen/monsoon/monsoon…

    Nebraska also gets less precipitation http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/nameri…

    than Indiana. http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/nameri…

    Indiana tends to be a little warmer than Nebraska (Sources).

    Source(s): USA Temperatures:
    January http://www.mapsofworld.com/usa/thematic-maps/usa-t…
    July http://www.mapsofworld.com/usa/thematic-maps/usa-t…
    Annual http://www.atozmapsdata.com/zoomify.asp?name=Count…
    Minimum http://phobos.ramapo.edu/~theed/MLS%20610%20Multie…

  • Not hardly. Nebraska’s climate and weather patterns is predominately influenced by the Northwestern winds. Sometimes these come over Alaska and Canada and sometimes come over Washington State and across the mountains.

    Indiana is influenced off of that same set of winds. But also it is influenced part of the time by the weather patterns off of the Gulf of Mexico.

    I have lived in both places and I can tell you, the Omaha weather is much wilder.

    Now the Northern part of Indiana, around Lake Michigan is yet another unique weather pattern. The wind comes off the lake and influences places like South Bend. Wow. Can that be horrible. Everyone calls it ‘the lake effect’. It goes almost to Fort Wayne.

  • Northwest Indiana has its own unique local weather. Mostly jsut lake and porter county

    Source(s): Lived there 18 years

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