I have this bad habit of asking questions again and again for reassurance. What can I do if anything to mitiga?

I have depression, anxiety, PTSD and I also think I have OCD (although not diagnoxed). I also see a therapist. I ask people questions repeatedly for re-assurance and esepecially that of the workplace as I really had a bad experience at my first job. I’m currently not working but whenever my anxiety spirals out of control, my brain starts analyzing previous scenarios about my job and I continue to either bother people to ask them questions or use the internet to find answers. I feel really bad when I end up taking so much time of other people and especially since I ask them the same thing over and over again. I’m getting to a point wheere I am starting to loose friends 🙁 I hate this habit and I want to break out of it. I’ve been on meds for 3 1/2 years and my symptoms don’t get any better. What else is there that I can do to help my self. I also asked questions prior to the state that I am in and it may just be the underlying OCD but right now I am disabled and my medical problems have overshadowed my life 🙁 I’m considering ECT to get out of this phase. My friends have told me that I should cross the bridge when I get there, meaning I should ask work-related questions when I have a job but for some reason my unctronallable anxiety wins over me 🙁


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  • Try my methods:

    1. Write down your question. Then write down their answer. You have a record that will make you feel comfortable and certain you asked the question. This can also be done by recording the interaction to listen to again.

    2. Write down a list of qualities about yourself. One should be “i pay attention to details and I do a good job of my job. One question is enough”.

    Hope this helps!

  • Dumbass prof

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