If men are treated more harshly by the judicial system, yet most JUDGES are males….?

…then doesn’t it stand to reason that males make crappy judges and therefore we should vote for female judges only?

I’ve heard a lot of complaints that there are “child custody biases” (against men) and shorter prison sentences awarded to women….. you may not know this, but the feminists don’t do this….judges (who are overwhelmingly male) are in control of these decisions.

So I’d say the solution would be to enact the OPPOSITE: which would be to vote by and far for mostly female judges.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • No. An MRA’s idea of “equality” is for WOMEN to ask for HARSHER sentences than men… True story, go back and read the answers on some of my other questions… Then they have the nerve to call me “willfully dense”.

    …Hilarious, as I laugh all the way to the bank!
    – Chosen by Asker

  • I’m just sayin we look out for the females

  • So, you think we can defeat sexism and prejudice with even more sexism and prejudice? are you a feminists? Don’t be shy.

  • It has nothing to do with being better but being lenient.Just because they have female judges doesn’t mean they won’t be bias and be just as lenient as the male judges.If what is you say is true how come female many politicians are mainly for their own interests and mostly feminists? Many of judges are male feminists. What needs to be done is elect judges that is non feminist.

  • “Women like women more than men like men”


    Maybe it would be even worse for men.

    Just a thought.

  • No, that would only make it worse. Vote for a judge based on his/her fairness, not gender. Just because a person is female, it doesn’t mean that she is more fair or vice versa.

  • No, that doesn’t make sense at all. There is no evidence that the situation would be better with female judges, it could even become worse.

    It is stupidity to fight sexism with more sexism.

  • Fighting sexism with sexism is like fighting fire with fire

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