I need to know the truth? This may sound ridiculous but if you know anything about the paranormal please?

I have always felt different than other people. I have had several experiences with the paranormal and things like that… When I was younger, I had a very strong connection to nature, and I believed (still do) in the powers of the elements and forces of nature. I might be crazy… I don’t know. But I did alot of things and felt alot of things happen that are not normal. Some of it I don’t even remember well… It’s a very strange feeling. From a very young age I was taught philosophy, forms of divination, paranormal stuff, etc. (though i don’t practice magick) I have always known that there are things out there we don’t understand, and I am overwhelmed with a desire, a NEED to understand these things. Has anyone else felt this way? I don’t even know how to explain this, I could go through and detail the variety of strange things that I have seen or had happen to me, but I hope someone will understand me this way. Please, if you can tell me anything, help.


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? Favorite Answer

  • There is nothing natural about the paranormal. Though it is called “supernatural” that does not mean real or even better. Nature works in highly predictable ways, that is why we have science to use. It is completely neutral and unbiased. Belief and faith are not needed for science. Nothing works better to test extraordinary claims. But it needs data and evidence, if there is none, no science can be conducted. The truth demands testing.

    The problem is that all we get are stories and anecdotes. None of which can be validated. But you and the rest want our approval and just accept say so. Why is this so important? Yes, there is a lot of things that are not known, but there is also a lot of made up BS. Learn to embrace reality and discard the wishful thinking.

    “In childhood our credulity serves us well. It helps us to pack, with extraordinary rapidity, our skulls full of the wisdom of our parents and our ancestors. But if we don’t grow out of it in the fullness of time, our … nature makes us a sitting target for astrologers, mediums, gurus, evangelists, and quacks. We need to replace the automatic credulity of childhood with the constructive skepticism of adult science.”

    — Richard Dawkins , Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion, and the Appetite for Wonder

    Source(s): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfAzaDyae-k88

  • Different people have different experiences and some rare occurences might be thought as paranormal. The paranormal field includes a wide range of things ranging from ghosts to UFOs and some of them even happen at the same time. Actually most of the information are already available on the internet and you can just look it up. If you need an answer you will need to tell us what you want to know and give details on the things that happen so that other people can interpret the situation.

  • You are being silly. Ghosts are fiction. To find what is causing the ‘door’ noise, first check it really is the door (as you cannot see it) not some external noise. Wedge the door either open or shut, go back downstairs, and listen for the noise still occurring. If it does then it cannot be the door. If it does not, find what was causing the door to move – probably either the wind or the way the door is hung on its hinges.

  • Well go get a decent job and save some money for travel. Many people in Asia still maintain the beliefs of supernatural and many still practice it. Go and visit those places and learn more about their culture and beliefs. who knows you might find some clues to the question you have been asking.

    Just remember to do some research before traveling that includes reading travel guides for the countries you are going to visit, because there are many there that will use your curiousity as an opportunity to scam you as well. Even the most paranormally gifted people in Asia still use their minds and common sense when it comes to those kind of things, thus you should never abandon yours in any situation. good luck

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  • Nothing silly about your situation. What your job is at this juncture; is to determine what it is exactly that your given talent is. There are countless approaches to each phenomena and there is countless different phenomena. You will not understand all of them. This is not possible. You should best go to a shop that carries guide publications to properly steer you to you’re forte’. Once you’ve begun the steering process, it should get much easier. You are understood quite clearly though. You feel as if time is wasting by when you could be doing something beneficial with your talent(s). The frustrating part is that you don’t know what it is

  • The greatest thing that you will ever learn is to know that the more that you know the more you don’t know. And enjoy the journey. There is no reason to know everything at once. Time to find some inner peace.

    You might be suffereing from an anxiety disorder that takes a common thing and make it bigger than it needs to be.

    You might also needd to have a doctor or psychritist see you. Some time a mental illness is making you feel that way. No need to feel ashamed of mental illness because it is an illness just like the flu or a cold. It needs to be taken care of.


  • Mm, you sound just like me heh

    Usually I seek knowledge through psychics and readers, or trustworthy people. Most answers can be answered. You just decide one day you will not listen to the “You can’t understand…” statements by people because they probably have never tried hard enough. Meditation helps as well 🙂 Good luck~

    Source(s): My dad is a mind reader and I have Precognition
    (No sarcasm, but I don’t mind if people don’t believe me)

  • In the first place,we are all different from one another in many ways. We ALL have the sensitivities you describe within ourselves but most forget they even have them let alone be able to feel or use them. You don’t say your age but if you are an adult and still aware of these things then you are one of the lucky ones. Do not stress out over the way you feel because the things you long to know/learn will make themselves known to you as long as you keep an open mind and heart. One of the best things you can do at this point in your life’s journey is to learn and practice meditation skills. It would be very easy for you to get lost in some very nasty things if you try to explore the wrong things for the wrong reasons which is why I am recommending the meditation to help you find your way. What you want and need to know will become known to you in this way and its the natural and safest way to explore your inner self which is what you need to do.

  • Since you were taught ‘paranormal stuff’ from an early age, you have a pre-existing belief that is compromising your critical thing. Its good you feel you NEED to understand these things – so if you have an open mind you need to look into the objective side of paranormal beliefs. You will find that there is not one shred of evidence for the existence of anything paranormal, it is vastly implausible, and most experiences can be explained by naturalistic means.

    You can start your research here: http://www.skeptic.com/junior_skeptic/


  • In fantasy novels, that is a tell-tale sign that you are a wizard but you don’t know it. In real life, I’m afraid things are a little different. There are powers in different aspects of nature but this is more like electricity or some other force that we might mistake for magyk. Even so, don’t give up. I’m not saying there is no such thing as magyk as I believe in that other dimension. However, if you DO attempt to work magyk please do not dabble in sorcery or the occult. There are enough devils and witches without another hapless victim being pulled into that line of power.

    Good luck!

    Source(s): Little boys who play with fyre get their fingers burned!

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