If a country declared war on us and invaded what woupd happen?

If. It was all out war nukes,motars,killing of civilians?and maybe with China,north korea or Iran


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  • If you used “nukes” on anyone who had invaded you than you would blow your self up.Has not the asker realised that ? The brave US marines would throw them out. Then we would “Nuke” them back.

    Its only China that could stand a tiny chance of invading the US. The mighty Soviet Union never got round to it,why would anyone else ?

  • The only countries that are in a position to invade us would be Mexico or Canada. Everyone else is too far away, and wouldn’t be able to get anything into position to invade us without giving us days to sink them at sea.

    So the only real alternative would be a nuclear war…well, not really. Even a limited exchange between the US and any other country would essentially result in making most of the planet inhabitable for several thousand years. Scientists doubt the biosphere would be able to adjust fast enough, causing mass extinctions which would eventually take the human race with it.

  • War with China would result in devastation to both countries and most likely no winner. Both would loose because both have highly advanced military technology and nuclear weapons.

    War with North Korea would involve China and have the same results as above.

    War with Iran would result in the Muslims in the middle east going nuts and the entire region becoming involved. We would withdraw because our military is not large enough to fight a war where the nut cases in an entire region of the globe, blow themselves up on the streets and on the battle field.

    Source(s): rc

  • Using a nuke is a death sentence for the country that 1st used it, unlikely to happen and are there as a deterrent as opposed to anybody ever using them.

    But, if a country invaded America – it would depend on the circumstances, but assume it was unprovoked. Every civilized nation on Earth would have their armed forces there within 24

    hrs to help them.

    The Brits would send the SAS and then its big trouble for whoever invaded the States… lol

  • Neither North Korea nor Iran has the capability to declare war on the U.S.

    China probably does, but why would they nuke us if they already own most of our country?

    They could destroy us more easily by just calling in their loans….

  • The same thing that happens to all the countries that we invade. Lot of death, destruction and misery. That’s why I always keep my passport handy and up to date even though I never travel abroad. The lucky people are the ones who get the hell out of Dodge.

    I know that gun lovers always like to pretend that they would be able to fight off an invading army. But I would point out that Saddam had armed every house in Iraq with military rifles.

  • If you were never in the military you better hook up with someone that was,I don’t mean a clerk or cook or mechanic either, someone in the bush units.Money would be worthless,total survival mode would be necessary.Guns ,would be needed to protect your self and loved ones,because total anarchy would happen.Pray it never happens is my suggestion!

    Source(s): Life,reality,classes about this while in the military.Reading,and watching daily world activity.

  • at present this is a nation divided and as we all no a nation divided cannot stand the test of time nor war. Probably be over run and all the children enslaved.

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