If I delete iTunes and then reinstall??!?

Will the new iTunes recognise my iPhone or will I lose everything? What will happen to my music ? Etc?

✅ Answers

  • Apple devices only recognize whether you’re syncing to other iTune libraries or your own. That said, trying to sync with no content in an iTunes library will delete the existing music and data on the device.

    File loss depends on whether or not you delete your music files, videos, and other data located in your iTunes library. If you have those stored on your hard drive, you can manually add them back in. You can also choose to back-up your files onto CD(s), and then import them once you reinstall the iTunes software. As said before, if you sync an iPod or iPhone with the library when there’s no files imported onto iTunes, it’ll erase all data on your device. Therefore, it’s important to have a back-up of your files before deleting the software, especially since you’ll have to repurchase content you lose. If you need further help, try looking through the iTunes help index reachable through the menu tab, as listed in the sources below. The Apple website should also be able to clarify your questions.

    Source(s): Experience
    [iTunes] Help> iTunes Help

  • Itunes software saves under your program files. The music, settings, apps, etc are saved under you music folder labeled itunes. I would make a copy of that entire folder. Then once you reinstall just copy over the new one installed. Everything should be reloaded into it. This is only for windows operating system. If you have a max I don’t know where itunes folders are located you’ll just have to search.

  • Think of itunes like a radio. Itunes itself is only a program. all of your data(songs) are on the hard drive. as long as you don’t delete them off of the hard drive they will still be there. If you get rid of a radio for a newer one , its still going to play the same stations that to old one did. Also, don’t delete itunes – go to the control pannel -then click where it says uninstall program -find itunes and click it and it will ask to uninstall. then just go to itunes or apple.com and click download. its a lot cleaner for your computer that trying to delete it.

    Source(s): Ive done it.

  • Of course if u have an I pod and didn’t delete the songs it will stay. If u delete iTunes you got to get it again. And if u hook ur iPhone to tge computer I doubt it will recognize it. So y r u deleting it?

  • No when you connect your iPhone select file>transfer packages & all your stuff will go from your iPhone to iTunes

  • All your stuff will still be there, and yes it will recognize your iPhone .

    Source(s): Experience

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