If I don’t do something wild now will I never get an opportunity to do it?

Hey im and I’m wondering what to do after high school.

I want to travel and do something adventurous.

Can someone tell me how to balance that with going to college?

✅ Answers

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  • You can take mime classes. That will make your life more exciting.

  • There are lots of opportunities in college to have adventures. You could do a semester abroad, do multiple semesters abroad in different locations. You could do a semester at sea. You could get internships during summers in different locations. Every location has different activities you can do during your free time. Many colleges have groups that will do activities together, like kayaking or skiing, or have rental equipment so you can do that on your own.

    Source(s): I’m and have done a lot of traveling and had adventures whenever I had the opportunity, in my college years and during my professional years.

  • You could always take college online

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