If you are a parent, what was your favorite age for your children?

I have a 13 year old and so far, every year he becomes an even better, caring and more fun human being. I was wondering what other parent’s experience was.


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  • Hey Dave,

    Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you are able to appreciate your kids more now, than ever before?

    It’s a growing trend among parents and their offspring. Not to fret, it happens to the best of us.

  • For me, probably 24. I had graduated college, gotten married and had my first child. My life was really being “put together” and I just enjoyed my life so much then(as I still do!) I was finally old enough to make my own decisions and be on my own. I loved it! I love the age my youngest is at now(age 3) it’s SUCH a fun age! He’s not so much a baby anymore, but growing until a big kid 😉 I also loved when they were a little less then a year. Sure, they were a handful…but I loved that time right before they learned how to walk! 😉

  • I think each stage has its special things:

    The first year, for example, is an incredible time of development, when the baby goes from not knowing how to do anything to sitting and standing and being a part of the world…

    There are years of discovery and wonder; years of gaining independence and becoming ‘people’…

    I’ve enjoyed every age so far (except 11 for girls, when they become fresh and nasty).

    Source(s): My 4 kids, aged 12, 9, 9, & 9months

  • I’ve spent the last 2 hours trying to edit a home movie of a school play when my son was 7. He was so willing to show his love for his sister, sing out loud, and dance.

    It was great seeing him going from little boy to boy, reading like a pro. I love him at 9 but there was something very special about that year.

  • I love preschoolers, around 3 or 4 years old. They say the funniest things! My oldest is 9, and she’s a great kid, and I too love her more and more every year. But preschoolers are my favorite!

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