If you were at a fancy restaurant and your waiter blatantly farted while serving you would you complain?

He just put your food on the table then turned to leave and farted audibly within inches of your table and just kept on walking like nothing happened. What would you do?

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Nothing but it is a good show for the people to enjoy.
  • I’d let my tip, or lack of one, speak for me.

  • leave

  • I would tell him its not polite

  • I would certainly be shocked and a bit grossed out but if he was a good attentive server in every other way I can’t see myself making a formal complaint about it.

  • Well, is the waiter rude the rest of the time? If not, then no. If all other services were great I wouldn’t complain. If the services were terrible I still wouldn’t mention his farting. He might have had something bad to eat and was giving him gastric problems. Or maybe it slipped and he hoped no one had heard so he continued walking. Or possibly he did it on purpose but who’s to know? I personally don’t think it’s so bad because it is a part of life and everyone has to do it. Just don’t be to disturbed by it. He most likely didn’t mean to upset you 🙂


  • I would do nothing. Although it seems offensive, it is a normal body function that sometimes just cannot be helped. In reality, it did not effect his service nor did it ruin your food. There comes a time when you have to pick what you fight about and that was not one of those times.

    If you did complain, what do you think you were entitled to? An apology, a free drink, a free meal?
    If you said something it would be more like tattle tailing and make you sound really immature.
    “Our waiter farted”. How ridiculous is that?

  • I wouldn’t tip him. That’s just nasty. But it also depends if it was a boy or a girl. Guy farts smell way worse than girl farts. But they shouldn’t do it either way.


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