Im a bit scared i need advice?

hi i am due today and getting a little bit weery about having a baby,i think it might be just that it is my first and never had a baby before,but i am scared i will not know how to hold him properly or not be able to care for him properly, is this normal in first time pregnancy’s?also i am scared of the comments my mum is gonna make about me looking after him as i am only 18 and my partner is 23.

βœ… Answers

πŸ₯‡ Best Answer

  • The best advice I have ever been given, is what I continue to share with parents to this day: Trust yourself!

    You are born with the skills to be a great parent. You will spend 24 hours a day with your child and will know her better than anyone else (including well meaning grandparents). And, yes, you will know when something is wrong with your child. You may not know what the diagnosis is, but something inside of you will prompt you to call the doctor or seek medical care.

    It’s kind of like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She was wearing the ruby slippers the whole time but never realized they had the power to take her home. New parents also wear those ruby slippers. Trust your gut, and you will never feel like you have made a mistake.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • just go with flow
    don’t worry about what yur mom but when she offer advise listen you don’t have to do exactly what she said but listen nevertheless and always be willing to learn
    Goodluck &Congrats

  • You will do just fine! Everyone is nervous — it’s not because you are only 18. Having a baby is a huge thing. It wouldn’t be normal if you weren’t nervous! You’ll probably be in the hospital a few days, so use this time to ask lots of questions. You’ll still have questions when you come home, and you may want to find out what your pediatrician’s policy is on answering questions. Our pediatrician’s office has call-in hour every morning at 9am. You can call and talk to a doctor without having to leave a message. Your doctor may have something like that. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you will become an expert, especially an expert at interpreting exactly what your child needs. Doctors and other people will know lots of facts, but you and your partner will know more about your baby than anyone else!

    You’ll get lots of advice, but be choosy and follow your instincts.

    My best to both of you!

  • you’ll be fine. when the time came for me to have my son, i was so scared. shoot, the first time i ever changed his diaper he peed on me and i quickly turned away, leaving him without a diaper for a few. i freaked! it was funny, i’ve been able to laugh about it ever since.
    i was even scared when i left the hospital; they told me i was going to be discharged and my first thought was “you’re going to trust me with this perfect, sweet little boy? me? all by myself?”
    trust me, you’ll be fine. it does come natural, believe it or not. may not seem like it now, but it does. you will look into your baby’s face and see someone you would die for; your heart outside your body. and then the rest just is…
    good luck. my thoughts are with you!

  • This is normal. but when you see your baby, you will know what to do. And your mother will always tell you what you should do. mine still does, and i am a grandma now! Just take her advice she means well. who knows she may be able to help you. Just know she loves you and cares. You will understand as you get older.

  • Your feelings are normal. Every single mother goes through this at one time or another.

    The nurses and the doctors at the hospital will be right there to help you and make sure you are holding him right and feeding him right. They will show you the basics. If you are worried about what your mom might say then talk to her about it. Be honest with her. Tell her you don’t want her to put you down if she sees you doing something she considers wrong. Tell her you want her help but you also want to be able to experiance being a mom and learn things on your own.

    My mother is still like that. My son is 21 months old and she is always giving me advice on how she thinks I should raise him. I was 20 when I had him. I take what she says into consideration but if I feel it isn’t right for me or my son then I do it my way. She gets over it eventually.

    You and your partner will do just fine. You will make mistakes but everyone does you are only human. If you need help don’t be afraid to ask for it. No one will think you are less of a mother just because you asked for a little help.

    Good luck and you will do fine. We have all been where you are.

    Mommy to a 21 mth old and 9 weeks pregnant.

  • All I can tell you is, take only the advice you want, ask your doc and your pediatrician a lot of questions and don’t worry about what your mom thinks. You’re totally capable of taking care of your own baby. It’s normal to be scared but you’ll be fine. Congrats!

  • First of all, Congratulations! A new life is a wonderful thing. The fact that you chose to give life to this baby is also a marvelous thing. Don’t feel that you are new at this and that you won’t know what your doing. You are a female. You came from God. He made you exactly as he wanted you. God doesn’t make people bad at what they do. You will be fine because you are a woman and a woman is who God intended to give birth and raise children. You will be a wonderful mother. So don’t worry. Pray and be at peace.

    The Bible.

  • calm down. your going to be fine. you are a healthy young women, and trust me once the baby gets into yourlife, you will feel so happy and delighted. goodluck and congrats!

  • I’m not sure I really have much advice to give. But I am 37 weeks with my first baby and am feeling the exact same way, so you’re definetely not alone. I think its scary that they just send you home with a baby you know nothing about…everyone keeps telling me your instincts just kick in:) You’ll be great, as for your mum, try not to let her comments bother you too much, I’m sure she felt the same way with her first baby…

  • I was afraid of the same exact things when I was pregnant with my first and now he’s exactly 1 year old. I was almost embarrassed to hold him in fear that someone was thinking that I wasn’t “doing it right”. It comes naturally and it is the BEST feeling in the world to hold that baby. You will probably cry and cry and cry because in that moment you are holding him….you will be SOOOO overwhelmed with LOVE. It literally will bring you to your knees to feel so much love.

    Congrats, you have a lifetime full of love…and a long time of getting no sleep. Enjoy it and never be scared or too proud to ask for some help. The no sleep thing KILLLLS you. You’ll understand once you have him/her. Goodness, no sleep sucks but all of the other stuff makes it so much more worth it. And one thing to look forward to….babies are FUNNY. I haven’t ever laughed so hard in my life. They are hiliarious once they get out of that “new baby stage”.

    Good luck and Congrats!!! You have a life of overwhelming love ahead of you. πŸ˜€

  • it is normal to be scared no matter what age you are its a huge thing but you sound like you have your head in the right place all you can do is take all the help and advice you can form the proffesionals likt the doc and nurses at the hospital dont worry about your mum just do your best and prove her wrong best of luck to you

    mum of 4 and one on the way

  • if you are scared, ask your pediatrician for help or another mom that you trust.

    feed the baby at least every 3 hrs or more if he cries. After he eats and you change his diaper, he will probably be tired and ready for a nap. Newborns do not stay up very long.

    Do this for the first 3 months, feed, stay awake for a little bit and then sleep. It will be fine.

  • its normal to be a little scared, the most important thing you need to do is make sure you are doing your best for the baby. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you are not sure of what to do. If you cannot ask your mum talk to your pediatrician or someone else you trust. If you have specific questions there is a great book out there I believe is called The First Year with Baby again ask the pediatrician, and ask about the book at the hospital many give a copy free. Good Luck!!!

    Mother of 3

  • just calm down and look at the fact that you are bringing a human onto earth, so they can live a life and be happier than ever.and just ignore your mom cuz even my mother does that to me lol and yeah it normal to fear for a baby to come out your *** lol so just do the best the best you can and hope your child lives a fantistic life!!!

  • I had never changed a baby’s diaper before my oldest was born, and he was planned!

    I was terrified, but moms who want to be moms just know. Trust your doctor and your instincts. You’ll make mistakes, we all do, just learn from them. As long as you’re a loving, caring parent you can’t do your child wrong. And don’t be afraid to ask questions. Ask other moms, ask doctors, and make the choice that is right for you and your baby.

    The fact that you’re worried is a good indication that you’ll be a pretty good mom, so go a little easy on yourself and try to enjoy your baby while he’s tiny…They don’t stay that way for long! Good luck, and take care of yourself!

    PS…I have three kids now and I’m a diaper master (they were all in diapers together for about 4 months). You’ll learn, and learn, and even learn things you didn’t want to know…Like what happens to a ball when it gets flushed down the toilet.

    Someone above mentioned the book What to Expect the First Year…Excellent book, even when you’re comfortable with your skills. Tells you about what to expect from your baby, your doctor, and about developmental milestones. I was bummed when my second child drowned it in the bath tub lol.

  • This is normal. Does your hospital offer any classes you and the baby could take about parenting, etc? It would make you feel more comfortable. And don’t forget, you will have a bit of maternal instinct. Don’t forget to ask for help and be nice to the nurses as they will show you all sorts of tricks and have lots of information. Good Luck and congratulations.

  • This is YOUR baby!! You will be soooooo surprised about how much a Mother’s instinct kicks in! Don’t worry too much…I know you can’t help but to be a little scared. Having a baby is a big change in a person’s life. But it is also the most rewarding thing you could ever do as a woman! Good luck to you….I hope your labor goes as smoothly as possible!

  • dont worry, it will all come to you my friend had a baby when she was 18 she was great with her she had the same fear you do, but as soon as she held the baby she caughgt on right away. and as for your mom dont let her get to you, you alreayd have enough stress as it is having a baby.

  • Answer hidden due to its low rating

    maybe you shold consider adoption. i gave my baby up 4 months ago. you are too young to be a mother there is so much more to life. a child deserves a mature and loving home. i had my first child at18 and now im 31. there is a lot of growing to do in between. wait a few years and have a child when your ready in a few years. babies are cute but they grow up fast. you are in my prayers.

    birthmom home at last adoption in cocoa beach fla. 188875adopt 3218682229

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