In a group of people, there is a % chance that a two share a birthday?

In a group of at least randomly chosen people, there is more than % probability that some pair of them will have the same birthday.

For or more people, the probability is more than %.

How cool is that?


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? Favorite Answer

  • Note a joke.

    Anyway thanks for sharing.

  • the common concern with your math is you have computed the percentages that for the duration of elementary terms of the people have a similar birthday and the the rest are all distinctive. with the intention to calculate that a minimum of two people have a similar birthday, it fairly is extra suited to be sure the probabilities that none have a similar birthday and subtract from a million. it fairly is the only thank you to factor in each and all the pair combinations bearing in mind extra effective than one adventure. Make sense? examine that Wiki article referenced above, it fairly is a reasonably solid clarification.

  • So when you have a birthday party, make sure there are less then people total

  • cool fact

    but how is this a joke or a riddle

  • Not that cool.

  • its fact

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