Is anger/rage good in a fight?


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    This is why anger is not good when you fight someone with martial art training.

  • Depend on what the person is fighting for. If someone is rting to hurt your loved ones, rage will be a plus. If you get jumped you want fear so you don’t stick around for the others to the the upper hand.

    Peeps who say “no emotion” in a fight is a good thing have never been i n a fight, not human (robot or alien) or peeps who are sociopaths. The idea that we can fight with no emotions is some weird fantasy.

  • I’m gonna say it is, one thing that makes that big bad bully such a terror, is that he actually WANTS to hurt you and dont feel any pain since he’s mad, and hes coming at your fast and hard, and don’t give a crap at the moment about the injuries or law suit to follow…. but then again, rage makes you dumb and you can go into overkill or make mistakes,, so practice with some hard fast rage at times on your bag. run up to it and whip its *** like you mean it now and then because that is what a real fight looks like.

  • Nope. Inducing anger/rage in a fight through taunting is often a tactic employed to make people get sloppy.

    Source(s): Experience in multiple styles, primarily Muay Thai, moderator of The Caged Dojo Forums founded by Y!A Top Contributors.

  • Controled rage yes, unharnessed rage no. Some fighter unleash right before they throw a blow to make it stronger but quikly calm down to stay focused. If you can’t control your emotions then no because you will become rash as develop “tunnel vision”.

    Source(s): 3rd degree black belt in tkd, boxing for 7 years, Kick boxing for 4, been in MMA for 5, Blue belt in BJJ, varsity wrestler for my highschool, and have so far acquired 5 patches in my krav maga practices.

  • No. If you are angry and against someone who is in control of themselves, they can easily win the fight. When you are raging, your muscle become tense. This kills a lot of your energy and a relaxed, composed fighter will easily last longer, ultimately beating you with endurance.

    Source(s): 15 years of martial arts.

  • In a normal fight with someone with little or no technical experience


    With someone who has seen his fair share of fights


    He will just try to gas you out and take advantage

  • no lol, not for a good fighter. You need to keep your head about you. The disciplines now adays don’t support anger. You lose your head against a guy who knows BJJ and he takes your arm off

  • keep calm, but not too calm, and be angry but not too angry, going to extreme with calmness or anger will get u knocked out, you need balance.

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