Is Frits Van Schmekel the oldest-ever member of the Schmecky family?

I think he may be, but every time I try to do a search on the Schmecky family tree, I get a result of “Oops. The information you are looking for is unavailable.”

Thank you for your genealogical insights.

– Occulty™

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  • Ahem…. I would have you know that Frits van Schmeckel is not one day over . In fact he just celebrated his th birthday again this past week and all of his great grandchildren sang his praises like back in_ …ummm… I mean . Yeah, that’s right. Got anything else smart to say you young whippersnapper?

  • I had a bit of a poke around, earlier, and found of them all in various stages of deep cover, or oopsed. And that was only in minutes of rummaging around. There must be more! And I’m not sure if Fritsy is a true Shmecky at all, as he may have ancestry from the Nibby’s, and the

    Shmecky- Myasses. Indicating he may, after all, just be the Lowborn Bastard his critics always said he was. Needs more research though, in protective clothing.

    Source(s): L

  • gynecological insights?

    I think we are all descended from the same Schmecky, therefore, we should all be Schmeckies (i.e. Kelly Bundy Schmecky, Occulty Schmecky, Fireball Schmecky)

    Source(s): Me– follower of the Priestesses of Schmecky

  • i do believe that Schmeckel deckel original was the family member wit the greatest longevity.

    She kept herse;l nice for so long…but eventually thr grief of losing so many siblings was too much for her. She acted out…and the Yamster swooped.

    See also  Can you help me calculate my ethnicity percentages ?

    it was terrible loss to the yahoo community.

    though Fritzy’s hat has been an asset…i must say.

  • The oldest and longest living member.

    That SOB is like Charles Manson. He’s initiated and carried out some of the worst take-outs in history, but the sonuvabitch just won’t die.

  • Your question gave me random thoughts of “oops” (((Schmecky))) and (((Occulty)))) —- You guys might pick-up Morgaine and Fireball and paint the town red.

  • It just goes to show you that a foppish musketeer hat can throw the average report monkey way off track. Pig latin works as well.

  • They die so young.

    This is clearly a sign of their great virtue.

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