Is it bad to now leaves on your lawn?

I’ve been waiting for all the leaves to fall then I’m mowing the leaves and leaving them their through out winter, then wen the snow melts theirs practically now leaves left, is it bad for the lawn if I do this

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  • Considering the heavy rainfall in the UK this “Summer”,it would be unwise to let leaves lie until they’ve all fallen.By the time this happens lawns are likely to be thoroughly waterlogged,mowing then would wreck the lawn and the soil structure.

    Best give a final mow after the next dry spell,then rake up leaves and compost them.

    Source(s): years a Nurseryman.

  • Yes and no. The leaves will create what is called thatch. This is a build up of organic material in the soil profile. Organic material is good in small amounts. Mulching your leaves into you lawn will create a lot more thatch. Water and food will not penetrate through a thick thatch layer very easily. It will be more spongey and not be able to handle the heat of summer. Also leaving the leaves, even though mulched, over the winter will increase the chances of fungi to grow. This will be even more if you live in a region that has snow cover for any extended period of time.

    I would blow the leaves into a row and mulch them with your mower and use the mulched leaves as a composting additive for flower beds. Mulched leaves are great for using as an additive to mushroom compost. If you have no flower beds. Blow them in a pile and burn them.

    Source(s): A sick and at home golf course superintendent.

  • That’s how I do it, and my lawn looks great. As long as the leaves are chopped, it’s no problem. Those other people are talking about keeping whole leaves on there. I do that on a section where I don’t want grass to grow. It grows wildflowers instead.

  • Yes. Too much compost.

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