Is it bad to wear your hair like this?

I’m going to th grade and I wear my hair up in kind of a folded ponytail EVERY DAY. I do this because I play several sports and I am involved in many organizations so I don’t have time to wear my hair styled fancy… it won’t last. I use elastic hair ties without metal parts on them and I always tie them fairly loosely. I try not to put the ponytail in the same spot everyday though.I usually wear my hair in a loose ponytail with a bandanna at night.My hair doesn’t seem to have any damage so far, but I haven’t worn it like this for very long (about months?) Also, I have African American hair, and I get it relaxed every months or so, but it still maintains its thickness.

Thanks in advance.

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  • no it wont get damaged, i’m too and i’ll go to th grade this year. i get ready for school myself almost from first grade and i simply dont have time to do anything with my hair exept to ponytail it. i ponytail it all days of school and if u want to count the days that i didnt ponytail it, maybe days. butwhen u come home, after u take a shower and u arent tired from school u can take off every accesory in your hair and let it ne free until u want to sleep again.

    Source(s): I’m same age, same grade, got long hair that i HAVE TO ponytail it almost all days of school

  • i just finished th grade highschool freshman and i wore my hair in a bun practically every day nobody ever asked why through out the whole year.-. people dont really notice

  • Who cares. be yourself, If you do sports then who cares lol . No not really bad ? You’ll be asked why but thats about it.

    Source(s): Getting out of th.

  • no you should change it up one in a while

  • not at all

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