Is it okay to base how much you spend for a wedding gift, on how long you think the marriage is going to last?

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? Best Answer

  • Just because I always buy the cheapest thing I find on registries, that doesn’t mean I wish them a short marriage out of jealousy because I’m convinced I’m meant to be a #ForeverAlone cat lady who will never get married and be wanted by any man…… *suspicious vile look on her face*

    – Chosen by Asker

  • Different races and cultures, has its variety of gift giving in any occasion, but if you are referring for the amount in terms of gift giving for a” marriage couple “then you have to at least give them what are the most necessary, for them that is practical and very in demand for their daily needs. things at home. or any cash amount of money. more familiar .or a trip to other place for honey moon, book them early with hotel room reservation for newly weds, are more” practical gifts” for newly weds for a cozy and new place for a couple to at least have them enjoy and relax them and about the term in condition .about how long will it takes the weeding to last? depends upon the plan and agreement of those person involved in the weeding if they like to extend some additional days for an extended weeding celebration.

  • When I was in college, hell yes. I also declined gifts for a certain relative who went about introducing the husband the wrong way, got pregnant and lied about it for several months (it’s not that hard to figure out how long ago you get pregnant), married him secretly after two dates and some email correspondence, and a bunch of lies. She was 18.

    I’m giving my younger brother a nice wedding gift (I’m thinking Le Creuset). I can afford it and I want to. Plus, I gave him a car a couple years ago and that will be tough to top.

  • No, all due to respect who are you to judge someone. If they love another and are getting married you should buy them a gift because you’re genuinely happy for their success. That’s a negative way to look at a situation. Think positive and be happy for another success. If it doesn’t work out so you’re right. If it does work out great.

  • You can spend on a gift depending on your choice, budget and the closeness that you have with that couple. A gift is a gift…I haven’t heard of gifts which should be given for short term basis or long term basis. Depending on how long the marriage will last has no bearing on the gift that you give.

  • Of course, darling…however, you must remember that it’s inversely-proportional to the expected duration of the marriage. You need to be more generous to the couple you think won’t last, because you have to compensate them for the entertainment value you’ll get out of the whole thing.

    It’s only fair.


  • Spend whatever you feel like on wedding gifts. No one else has any business telling you how much you should spend — like they know what you can afford…

    LOVE your Avatar! I think I’ll drive down to Toledo and have a Packo’s Hungarian hot dog (yes, there still IS a Tony Packo’s in Toledo).

  • Here, we still do something called presentation….cash in an envelope….

    Rule of thumb? If open bar, enough to cover your meal & booze & $50 if not too fond of the couple, meal & booze & $1 or more – depending on how much you like them….

    If it’s a cash bar? Well, most couples wouldn’t be surprised to find an IOU in the envelope….drink prices can empty the wallet rather quick thanks to tax hikes.

  • Don’t sparklers last longer than a kardashian marriage?

    Yeah, well, I hear what you’re saying, but just find a modest gift and be done with it. People treat weddings like a freaking lottery anymore… not right.

  • For first weddings I give them a moderately priced gift. Usually when I’m invited for a second (or even third!) wedding by one or the other, I don’t send anything except a card.

  • It’s funny how mating rituals have turned into consumer shopping trips. Give them a gift card that they won’t like but don’t really put any money on it. That way they will just re-gift it and the new recipient will blame them. Lol

  • Keep the receipt. If the marriage crashes within three months, it’s okay to repossess the gift in order to get a refund.

  • That would be putting yourself into a very judgmental position. Its not good to be judgmental.

  • Absolutely. Send them home with a pack of smokes and a cheap bottle of vodka, they’ll be separated before dawn.

  • Gay marriage or regular?

  • Entirely!


  • Uh…..we went to the Justice of the Peace and I didn’t get any gifts……..

    That explains a lot! Thank you, (((((Meds))))). ;P

  • absolutely fine.

  • Yeah, it’s fine, as long as you don’t have it engraved with something like ‘I’ll give it six months…’ 🙂

  • No

  • Yes and when you get remarried they will do the same to you. LOL

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