is it safe to drink raspberry leaf tea at 37 weeks pregnant?


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  • I am 36w4d and since 35 weeks I have been drinking 1 8-oz cup of tea per day. The tea will not cause you to go into labor, it only helps prepare your body by toning the uterus. It can also help ease pain during labor! Just do not drink more than 2-3 8-10oz cups per day and you will be fine. There is also no harm that can be done to the baby by drinking it.

    Good luck and congrats!

  • yes im 38 weeks pregnant and have been taking it from 36 weeks

    it helps to make the womb contract better during childbirth and some say it brings on labor but i havnt found that

    its a natural tea so you cant overdose but they recommend you building up your intake

    start by only having 1-2 cups a day then in a week 3-4 cups

  • Yup it sure is, it was safe to drink it throughout your pregnancy as it doesn’t start labor it merely is supposed to help with uterine tone and at the end uterine contractile efficiency. Many midwives recommend drinking it at the end (34 weeks until delivery, but you can start before then) for this reason.


  • yes you are now full term. i have a book that suggest starting drinking it from 37 weeks

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