Is it weird I don't want my son or daughter getting breast fed?

I’m 18 and I’m not married or have a kid, but in the future when I become a married man and a daddy, I won’t want my kids to be breast fed. Is it weird? I know it’s healthy for the baby but it just weird. I don’t want anybody seeing or sucking my wides breast but me. Maybe I will change when I get older and mature more. What do you guys and gals think?


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  • I disagree with one of the previous answers, i am a mature parent, yes i may have been a young parent but i am still a mature parent. I have 4 children and none of them have been breast fed. I also don’t believe that it’s “better” for them. Yes it has a lot of vitemans and minerals for the baby but a formula fed baby can grow up to be just as smart, and healthy as a breast fed child. And coming from a mother of four boys, i don’t want my boys to ever imagine themselves sucking on my nipples, it actually causes a lot of young men to go to therapy because of it.


  • Mature parents want the best for their children … even if it means they have to give up their own toys for a short period.

    EDIT: Avery does’t present herself as particularly ‘mature’ in her post. She puts forth her ignorance (she ‘doesn’t believe’ that breastmilk is better .. and obviously her beliefs outwieigh thousands of research studies by trained scientists… ), and she tossses out the VERY weird belief that boys commonly end up in therapy after having been breastfed. I’m SURE she can provide a cite for this.


  • I think that in your mind, breasts only serve one purpose- to be a sexual toy for you, exclusively.You are forgetting that the primary biological function of the breast is to provide nourishment for the infant. As you get more mature, you will become less selfish and will hopefully realize this. Also, you don’t get to make that call- if your partner chooses to breastfeed, it’s up to her, not you.


  • Yes, this will probably (and hopefully) change when you get older.

    At 18 you’re only just leaving adolescence, that tends to skew your view on these things. At 18 – if he even thought about it – I have no doubts that my husband felt much the same way. But when real life pregnancy and baby came in his 30s, he very much supported my decision to breastfeed.


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  • Yes, I think you need to grow up. Glad you don’t have any kids yet.

    Breasts are meant as a food source #1 and as a sexual toy #2. It’s not like the kid is enjoying them sexually!!


  • tbh i think once your in a relationship thats stable enough to have children you will feel differently, bottle fed does have advantages that the dad can get more involved and help with feeds! but at the end of the day its her choice to breastfed or not.


  • It does seem rather selfish. However, I could certainly understand if you wanted your wife to keep her breasts covered up if she feeds in public.


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